Chapter 3: Training

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"What do you mean by One For All?" Izuku asked, filled with extreme confusion.

"You know, you should see your face right now, but don't worry. I'm not going to force this on you. This is your choice and your choice only." All Might said.

'What is he talking about?' The boy wondered.

"There is a few things you should know about my abilities." All Might continued. "Journalists always guess my Quirk is super strength or some kind of invulnerability. When people ask in interviews, I always make a joke and dodge the question. That's because the world needs to believe that their Symbol of Peace is just a natural born hero, like any of them, but I'm not. There's nothing natural about my ability; I wasn't born with this power. It's a sacred torch that was passed on to me from someone else."

"Someone gave you this Quirk? No way." Izuku murmured.

"Yes way. And you're next. I can give you my abilities." All Might announced.

'Hmmm, should I say yes? He revealed his secrets to me and I can't just decline his offer... Not to mention, it'd be extremely selfish as he came over to me to ask this question, put all his hopes on me. I can't just decline an offer like that.' Izuku muttered. "All Might, I will inherit your powers."

"Just as I expected, meet me at Takoba Municipal Beach after school tomorrow." All Might said. "Also, call me Toshinori when I'm in this form, we don't want attention from passengers."

"Alright, All- I mean, Toshinori!" The boy yelled in excitement.

{The Following Day}

"Alright Young Midoriya, you will be cleaning this beach for 6 months before you are fully ready for One For All, then for the rest of the 4 months, I will be training you to fully wield this amazing quirk!" Toshinori explained.

"Wait All Might, before I start cleaning this beach, can I ask you a question?" Izuku asked.

It all seemed too surreal, training by cleaning a beach to have All Might's quirk. There was one strange factor about this. Not that he was suspicious about All Might's offer, it's just that he was already training prior to the beach, so he should already be wielding One For All, right?

"Go at it, young man!" Toshinori said.

"Why can't I just have the quirk now?" Izuku questioned.

"That's a good question! Can you take off your shirt for a second? I need to see if your body is already fit for One For All." All Might asked.

"Oh, sure!" The boy answered as he took his shirt off.

"Hmm, you could probably use around 6% of One For All at the moment. I'll give it to you once you have cleaned the beach, think of it as an achievement." All Might interpreted. "The reason why I'm not giving you One For All straight away is because it has the potential to blow off your limbs when you use it. So we need this extra training just in case."

"Yeah, that kind of motivates me even more to clean this beach." Izuku shuddered at the thought of that.

{Month 1}

The raise in training was a pretty big shock to Izuku's body, his muscles weren't used to this kind of working out so they were sore very frequently. Izuku woke up everyday to a throbbing feeling in his muscles, but he kept going. He decided to change his diet into a non-carbohydrate diet so he felt less exhausted after eating and could continue the work-out furthermore.

{Month 2}

It got way easier to move stuff and a lot of the trash in the beach is gone. His muscles were a lot more acquainted with the work-out and he felt a lot more efficient in the moving of the trash. His non-carbohydrate diet helped him immensely with his performance.

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