Chapter 5: Entrance Exam / Secrets Revealed

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Izuku woke up in a hospital room and wondered why he was there, until all the thoughts from earlier finally came back to his mind making him extremely nervous as to what transpired after he attempted to punch Gran Torino.

However, he vividly remembered about how he didn't care about how lethal that punch could've been at the time, he thought of the man as Katsuki. That's how angry he was, he hated the humiliation he was put through by him. Even though it was just sparring, Izuku felt incredibly competitive, he wanted to win the fight and make sure Gran Torino was unconscious.

Not in a villainous way though, he just wished to prove his worth to Toshinori. As the next One For All holder, he should be able to beat an old man. The last thing he remembered was the guy getting blown away and Toshinori going into his buff form, he also recalled how he basically destroyed Gym Gamma. How would he be able to beat all of these other powerful villains that are even stronger than Gran Torino if he can't even consider the injuries that the structures and people around him may suffer?

He looked to his right and.. there he is.. completely unconscious. He completed his goal, not in the way he wanted it though. Izuku felt so bad as he didn't know the punch would cause that much damage, even with Multiplier x6 enabled. The man looked so exhausted, but not hurt. He was so glad that the punch didn't impact the teacher, he wouldn't be able to live with himself anymore.

A few moments later, the door opened and Izuku saw Toshinori and Nezu enter the room, the former having an extremely worried face whilst Nezu's face was unreadable.

"Young Midoriya, are you okay? Are you still hurt?" Toshinori asked desperately as he was incredibly worried for his student.

"Don't worry, Toshinori-sensei. I'm fine, my arm feels a little numb and strange but other than that, I feel completely normal." Izuku replied.

His teacher sighs in relief as Nezu glances at Gran Torino's unconscious body, "I'm assuming you know what happened in Gym Gamma, Midoriya."

"Yes, Principal Nezu. I'm massively sorry for causing so much damage to not only Gran Torino but Gym Gamma as a whole." Izuku apologised and tried to stand up to bow, but not before Recovery Girl appears out of nowhere and smacks his head with her cane.

"What did you think you were doing? Destroying this school when you aren't even a student yet? If you weren't All Might's successor, I'd smack you harder!" Recovery Girl yelled at Izuku as his eyes brightened at her even though she gave him a mild headache from the impact of her cane.

"Oh my god, the Youthful Heroine: Recovery Girl! Your quirk is Heal! It allows you to amplify and speed up the human body's natural healing process by planting a kiss on the injured person! It's so amazing to meet you, ma'am!" Izuku exclaimed as his Fanboy Mode comes back to kick more ass.

"Now, now. Midoriya, We don't want to wake up Gran Torino, do we?" Nezu asked as Izuku blushes in embarrassment, realising the slight disrespectfulness of what he did.

"Oh, my bad." Izuku sighed as he didn't consider that he might cause the old man to wake up with a migraine.

"Don't worry about it, Young Midoriya. Honestly, what you did yesterday opened my eyes to my flaws as a teacher. I promise from now on that I'll try to be the best teacher possible for you." All Might bowed in front of the child as Izuku looked at his teacher in shock.

"U-Um, Toshinori-sensei... It isn't that big of a deal, don't blame yourself. This is only the first time that I've used One For All, it's my fault that so much damage was caused. Don't be so hard on yourself. You still have a whole world to keep saving, don't make me your only priority. It's my issue that I didn't consider the things around me, I just wanted to win, I just wanted to prove my worth to you." Izuku reassured the man of his own issues, he realised that Toshinori tends to put everything on his shoulders, including the problems of his peers, making it his own instead of theirs.

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