A Broken Rivalry!

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"Why haven't you been trying to stop these pointless rank battles, Mr. District Columbia?"

"How am I supposed to? You won't let me use my power!"

"I DON'T LET YOU USE YOUR POWER FOR THE SAKE OF EVERYONE ELSE, MR. DC! Your power is too strong, especially since you have no control over it."

"I have control! You're just too paranoid to let me start training it!"



"The final answer is 'NO', Mr. District Columbia. Stop letting the rank battles happen, and stop thinking you have a choice in what you can do with your power."

I should have a choice.

"Back talk will get you nowhere."

. . .

"What's up, America!" A smaller man comes running up to my side.

"Hey, Mexico." I answered, Mexico knows how to bring a smile to everyone's face despite the bickering, he's one of my closest friends.

"I though I would never get to talk to you again! This past month you've done nothing but hang out with your top-tier friends."

"They're not bad people, Mexico. Plus, you know why I have to hang out with them!" I explained to the shorter male.

"Ugh. That Russia Moscow kid, I KNOWW! Dude, it must suck to have to talk to him, he ignores all the lower-tiers so in this case I suppose we win, no?" Mexico joked.

"You do win." I sighed.

"AY! America!" Someone yelled from behind me.

"Ugh, here comes your high rank friends." The Mexican rolled his eyes.

"China." I greeted, elbowing Mexico. In which he just sarcastically waved.

"You might want to come look at this." China grabbed my arm, I looked around and noticed... everyone was missing?

"What happened, China?" I glared at the man in front of me. He just tugged me through the halls and out to the courtyard.

"CHINA!" I finally demanded, "What's going on-?" I stopped... no. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no!

There in the grass laid South Korea, Israel, Japan, and Germany. #7, #6, #5, #4.

Beaten and bruised. Only one left conscious.

"JAPAN!" I ran over to the sobbing girl. "Hey, no, don't worry, I'm here." I soothed, holding the trembling girl close.

"R-Ru-Russia, he-he's so m-much worse... worse t-than we thought-t, Ame..." A shook her a little.

Out cold.

"God damn you, Russia Moscow." I mumbled. I laid the Japanese girl back down gently, calling over Norway and Switzerland, our two student healers. China, India, and I stepped back. Students were huddled around in a huge circle again, just like Canada's rank battle.

"We should just give up our positions to him." India stated.

"Excuse me!? India we did not work our whole lives just to give up to some entitled kid!" I scolded.

"Maybe you did, but I'm not getting beat up like them!" India yelled in response, pushing me away and running through the crowd. It was now China and I against the world.

"I-I.... America... I'm sorry., I know I made that whole statement but I'm just-" I cut him off.

"It's fine." I turned of my heels, walking out of that hell hole.

Fuck. I'm alone.

. . .

Sleeping is hard tonight. Russia Moscow is now #2. The announcement was made 23 minutes and 46 seconds ago... China really gave up his spot. I'm gonna be beaten to a pulp, huh? I chuckled in my bed. I guess I deserve it. I'm #1, I should've protected everyone better, I shouldn't have let this happen. But yet, something tells me I'll always be a better #1 than Russia Moscow. And I like that.

I heard a knock at my door, must be Netherlands my roommate.

"Howdy, Neth-" I looked up at the most disgusting face in the world.... Russia Moscow's.

"Howdy back too you too, Number One." I shut the door, knock knock knock, I opened it again.


"Temper temper!" The Russian taunted, he placed his hand on my head and ruffled my hair. Be civil America, be civil... "You know, I'll like you as my number two."

"Number two? I'm number one." I questioned, what was he on about?

"Oh? I thought because. You know. China and India gave up their spots to me, you also did too." He explained, "You know, I won't love beating you up."

"Oh, but you don't mind beating up everyone else? What? Do you think you're a main character in a novel, or something!?"

"Well, if there was a novel on Pangea Academy, then yes. I would be the main character." He smiled.

"Russia Moscow. You are not charming. You are not cool. And, whatever, romantic advances you're trying to do... won't work because you just crippled my friends!" I listed to him. At first when I saw him I thought 'oh that guy's hot' but then he opened his damn trap and BOOM he's just an asshole. My thoughts got interrupted when I got slammed into a wall, being pinned by Russia Moscow.

"What is with you and pinning me to walls?" I sighed as the pain that already shot through my back dissolved.

"I hate you." He whispered to me. "You're gonna regret all those little snarky comments, when we have our rank battle. In fact, I'm sure you'll beg me for romantic advances once I'm done with you. You and your little 'strong' posse will regret being born." He grinned a sickly smile. "What do you think about that?"

"You. are. unbearable." I growled. He let go finally and dusted his hands off.

"Well, be ready to tell UN about the next rank battle then. You against me." He glared, turned around and was seemingly going to walk out but he whispered a quick 'oh' and turned again. He held out his hand and dropped it on my head, ruffling my hair, AGAIN. "Also, your hair is soft. Like, a puppy dog!" He pranced out.

You are so hard to read Russia Moscow.

Headmaster UN, please let me fight this asshole.

Headmaster UN, please let me hurt this asshole.

Headmaster UN, please let me KILL this asshole!


wow. see no love? Or at least I tried. No MORE love.

not until later.

xoxo please remember to vote and share, it helps my reach!

[WORD COUNT: 1035]

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