Crashing Down But I Felt So High!

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"Use your power America." China tightened his hold on me.

"I will never." I shook my head wildly, watching Russia and Canada managing to hold off Finland and EU. But just barely. They were starting to lose their upper hand with Finland's power. I huffed worriedly. What can I do? I'm chained up and China is holding me.

"AAHH!" EU suddenly crumpled down while grabbing his head.

"Yes!" I shrieked. UN, Japan, Germany, and India stepped in.

"What do you two think you're doing!?" The blue man yelled at the two Organizations. Finland looked puzzled at the light blue Organization, but I couldn't tear my eyes away from the Russian holding his chest in pain, blood seeped through his collared white shirt. Finland noticed my distraction and used that moment to guide my vision at the girl he was now holding. 

"Wait-!" I pulled hard at the chains, China did not release his grasp. My screams managed to get UN, Germany, Canada, and India's attention, Russia was already staring at the girl, trying to get up despite the wound on his chest.

"Are you crazy, boy? Put her down!" UN ordered, that only made the Finnish boy activate his power and place his hand on Japan's neck.


"America! Do what we told you or she gets it!" Finland demanded. My breath got heavy and dense. 

. . .

"You will use your power on your mom. Then we will start the whole process." Tears gathered in my eyes.


"You DON'T have a choice DC!' He kicked my gut, being chained sucked. 

"I won't do shit. I-....I don't care how many times you hurt me."

"AMERICA! Your power is so strong. You don't need that school after what they've done! If you use your power, we at Greek Warrior Academy will train you to strengths you won't imagine!"

"So? I don't care about strength, all I want is to go home!"

. . .

Is Japan worth it? 

Yes! She is. I need to do this.

"America! Don't!" Japan yelled before Finland covered her mouth.

"Не надо, Америка, пожалуйста..." Russia's voice sounded desperate, 

too bad I don't know what he's saying.

China pushed me closer to my dying mom's body. This is a little weird. Who am I kidding? This is the weirdest thing ever. I was told my whole life that she was dead and she died at her old school. But her old school was keeping her alive because she has an amazing power and now they need me to use my power to make sure they don't lose that amazing power. Cool, cool, cool, cool. NOT cool. Crazy.

I suppose she knew that this school was abnormal because in her will she wanted me to go to Pangea Academy instead of here. I understand why now.

I took in a deep breath. How did I know whether this would work or not? I've never used my power before. In fact, I don't think I ever want to use my power anymore. Especially after learning the specifics of what it does.

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