It's Okay To Be Scared!

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"Ah!" America burst up from his once peaceful-looking sleep. Russia, of course, immediately rushed to his side. 

"Amerika, are you okay?" The Russian grabbed his boyfriend's hands.

"Uh-... y-yeah. Just a restless night I guess!" The American laughed, very obviously lying. Russia furrowed his eyebrows in disbelief.



"Don't lie. You don't have to keep up a façade with me, Amerika." Russia sympathized. America looked at him with hopeful eyes.

"I-I keep dreaming... or more so.... having nightmares...a-about, you know, what happened." America sniffled, he wouldn't cry, that's where he draws to line. "I keep waking up b-because... I'm scared, I'm scared that it'll happen again."


"It's not that I don't think I could escape... j-just some things that happened while I was in there and... missing out on so much." America sighed, closing his eyes tightly.

"If you don't mind me asking. What types of things?" Russia rubbed circles on his lover's hand with his thumb.

"Uhm... nothing really, just-..." America lifted his eyes to meet Russia's, he decided he would tell the Russian, "They used to... um... hurt me a lot... when I disagreed with their plan..." Russia's eyes shot wider than ever and angrier than ever.

"Let me grab you a glass of water, da?" Russia got up and away from the anxious America. The American was left wondering if he shouldn't have told Russia before he heard a crash. America activated his power, swung his legs off the bed, and made his way into the small dorm room's kitchen. 

"What's wrong!?" He screamed, his eyes darted all over the room until they landed on Russia. With his fist in a punching position... through the wall. "Did you... just punch a hole through our wall?" The American deactivated his power and just stared in utter shock at the tall man.

"Oh? You should go back in bed, it's late. I'll bring the water to you." Russia stated innocently, pulling his hand out of the wall.

"But-... Why-? Hole?" America sputtered.

"Ah! I was just a little pissed." The Russian chuckled lightly.

"Huh...o-okay..." America turned around, before stopping.

"You okay?"

"Um...d-do you think you can... come with me? Just in the same room." America squeezed his hand tightly with nervousness.

"Yeah, of course. Why?"


"Are you scared?"

"What! No."

"Meri, it's okay to be scared. Especially in front of me, I want you to feel comfortable enough to be able to tell me things like this." Russia stared at the back of his boyfriend's head with his soft green eyes.

"Right. Yes, I'm... very scared." The American threw his arm up to his face to quickly wash the salty drops of water running down his face.

"I'll always be right behind you, Amerika."

.  .  .

"I'm right behind you Amerika. If you ever get too stressed just call for me, okay?" Russia patted my back supportively. "You're allowed to be scared."

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