*✧ 6 ✧*

236 35 132

*flashback starts here*

"One medium cappuccino and one large black coffee. Both extra hot." I smile at the barista, looking for my wallet in the bag. It's the second week of December and everything is covered in white here in Busan. It's a busy month at work; luckily, I managed to finish all articles and I decided to surprise Tae at work. I know he's been working overtime these days, so a proper dose of caffeine and a passionate kiss from his girlfriend sounded like a perfect distraction.

"Would you like anything else?" he asks, excited, as I see a small tag <I'm learning> on his chest and it reminds of my summer job in cafeteria back in high school. Those were good times.

"Actually... yes. Do you have a... pen, a marker? Something I could use to write on the cup?

"Sure! What do you want me to write?" with enthusiasm in his voice he grabs a pen between his fingers and waits for my response.

"I love you T., on the black one." I chuckle and my cheeks immediately turn red. Even though we've been together for 5 years, he still makes me feel like we're at the beginning of our relationship. I keep on falling for him all over again.

"That's on the house!" Nice, he's acting so confident for a learner! This is going to be a good day.

"Wow, thanks." I reply cheerfully, putting a few banknotes into the TIPS  jar instead.

When I leave the shopping center, the beams of sun hit my face and it feels so nice I want to continue walking, but then I look at two cups in my hands and I know I have to be quick. I rush to the closest subway stop and wait for the tube.

Finally, I am standing in front of the building and everyone can tell I'm more than excited as I enter through the main doors. Anxiety on my face, though, as I realize I don't really know the people Taehyung works with. The building is so huge and there are hundreds of people who'll never meet one another, but what else to expect? I started in a small, local newspaper, which grew bigger and bigger with time, so co-workers knew each other pretty well.

As far as I remember Tae's team, there's Namjoon, a bit pompous but he usually relaxes once he's finished his third drink. Besides, he's the one who actually recommended Tae on this position, so it's better to be on good terms with him. There's another guy, too, Hoseok, who's always vigorous and won't finish a conversation without joking around about anything. And this new girl from Canada – Cassie, or Carrie, I'm not sure. She's multilingual and came to Korea last year to continue both her career and passion for traveling. I've met her once or twice and she seemed snazzy jazzy and all.

I shrug my shoulders unconsciously as I make my way up to Tae's floor. The corridors are rather empty, probably everyone is either having a call or a meeting. I bite my lip, my gaze wandering along the rooms I'm passing. I groan silently, feeling upset because I don't remember exactly which one is Tae's.

So much for the surprise.

A long sigh escapes my lips as I reach for my phone in the pocket, looking around the corridor. I decide to move forward since most of the rooms and spaces is glazed or divided by semi-walls, so you can catch a glimpse of the silhouettes of busy people.

My gaze stops on a tall figure standing backwards; the girl's straight dark hair falling loosely on her shoulders as she pulls the scrunchie on her shoulders as she pulls a scrunchie from it and shakes her head cheerfully. I squint, stopping beside the glass; a little red flag goes up in my mind. Cassie.

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