*✧ 8 ✧*

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It's 3:20 when I put the last plate in the dishwasher. The lights in the living room are now dimmed, giving a warm glow over the sofas. I sigh quietly, looking around, still not sure if I didn't forget about any other platter or silverware. My hands rest on my hips as I blow a single hair strand off my face.

The party was clearly a success. Except for two broken glasses, spilled beer and Jimin visiting the bathroom at least 3 times.

Despite that fact that the party wasn't over.

"Yeahhhh... only 23 minutes until my Uber driver arrives. The previous one canceled after 30 seconds. I guess the whole crew preferred to go partying than to make money tonight." Jungkook shrugs and leans against the counter, trifling with his phone all the time. His frame looks so fit and slim, I can't keep my eyes off of him. I press my lips together, convincing myself 23 minutes can surely mean forever. I smile weakly, cursing in my mind I am too well-behaved, too pliable to kindly see him off and call it a night. "But," he breaks the eye contact with the screen to look up and meet my gaze. "There's still plenty of alcohol here, so we can have one more drink to pass the time." he adds with a huge grin plastered on his face. I bite my lip in hesitance. I feel like I just sobered up.

Despite having second thoughts, I nod in agreement as I open the cupboard to take two more glasses and put them on the counter in front of him. He approaches me, his gait confident, but still pretty natural after idontevenknowhowmuchof alcohol. He hums as if uncertain, looking for a perfect combination. I observe him patiently until he hands me a brownish liquid.

"Not yet, not yet," he almost shouts at me, noticing my ravenousness as I close my lips around the glass to try it. I glare at him and he laughs by the time he cuts a lime into quarters and brings them next to our glasses.

"It's bittersweet, so we need a hint of sourness first." He licks his lips, taking one quarter and squeezing it into his mouth. I follow him right away and we both sink our mouths into hard liquor.

"Mmm," A soft sound escapes my lips as I taste a totally new taste on my tongue. His face beams as he sees my approval. "But mango is still my number one." I admit quietly, sipping this mix of bourbon, orange juice and campari, or at least something very similar to it. All in all, it's strong. I gulp as I feel my throat burning.

"Ah, you did load a weight off my mind, professor." He jokes as a playful smirk appears on his face. He down the glass and this time, pours bourbon only. My eyes widen at this sight when I play with the class, the sound of ice clicking as if it was the clock counting down the seconds before he leaves.

"God, Jungkook, is professor a kind of your kink or what?" My voice raises as annoyance boils up in my blood and I furrow my brows. He scrunches his nose at this, I can tell he definitely finds it funny.

I find it surprising when he leans forward, resting on one elbow with the glass in his other hand, narrowing the gap between our faces. The corners of his lips go up and he answers with a soft whisper, his breath covering my face. "I apologize, I didn't realize it was getting your back up to such an extent."

I blink and my eyelashes flutter a few times once I become aware of him being dangerously close to me. I squeeze my thighs unconsciously, unable to make eye contact with him. He licks his lips again and lets out a short breath, this bittersweet smell kisses my face and I notice a small mole right under his bottom lip.

If Jimin hadn't ended up shitfaced and toasted, he would never let me stay alone with Jungkook tonight. Instead, he would stay the night, put me to bed and maybe even walk Jungkook to the nearest metro stop. But he wouldn't approve of that. Never in a million years.

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