*✧ 10 ✧*

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I have been avoiding Jungkook for the last few days. We haven't spoken since I drove him home last weekend and the only message he received was my e-mail with tons of articles to proof-read and some other smaller tasks. The underlined font underneath my message indicated I don't feel like being bothered and I hoped he'd understand that and think twice before visiting me in my office. To be honest, it didn't quite seem like it was done on purpose since I'd just gotten promoted and there was so much to do and learn. The area of my responsibilities slightly changed, I was assigned new tasks too and I found out I wouldn't be able to coordinate interns' work for some time, probably until Yeonju's back. It was quite new for all the management as my promotion happened so quickly that nobody was sure how to reconcile two different assignments at the same time. Not to put too fine a point on it, I was glad to be rammed with work.

All in all, I was also shifted to a new office on a different floor, which meant I wouldn't have to go to the same canteen Jungkook used on the floor below. It felt wrong because I knew it clearly was the dumbest thing ever and I wasn't a teenager anymore, but somehow I couldn't find another way to deal with it. At least not yet. Still, it wasn't wise to keep off our confrontation, which obviously was inevitable.

I couldn't be more upset that my relationship is screwed and, instead of trying to figure it out, I started growing feelings toward a co-worker before shutting him and my feelings out. And we kissed, so I am no better than Tae.

We have been driving in total silence for at least 5 minutes. My hands are sweating while I'm making an attempt to focus, my eyes fixed on the road and my head stiff not daring to turn it to the right to face him. The atmosphere has become annoying so I turn up the radio believing loud music will kiss my sense of guilt away.

I roll my eyes again realizing it's the fourth time we need to grind to a halt on the red light. God certainly is making fun of me right now, I think to myself, pouting a little. Jungkook, as always, seems unbothered, he simply hums some 80's song under his breath, tapping the rhythm with his fingers on the glove box from time to time. I smile at this with gritted teeth, already wishing I am back home, alone, in my bed and a gallon of coffee.

My lips are tingling and I can't stop thinking about what happened half an hour ago.

"Y/N," his low voice calls me again, snapping me out of my reverie, and my body tenses immediately.

"Yeah?" I slow down the car, facing him eventually. He looks so cherubically beautiful, still sleepy and messy, but I can't help chewing onto my lower lip.

"You just passed the street we were supposed to turn into."

"Did I? Fuck, I'm sorry."

"You should have told me if you wanted to spend more time. Together." my eyes widen a little bit at his tone, confident and cocky as always, but I'm too stunned to ponder over it right now.

"I-- I am totally fine having you on my table in the office all the time." a quiet answer escapes my lips, weakness in my voice is almost cringy and I know he is going to giggle at this all.

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