*✧ 11 ✧* double update!

164 26 81

*✧ omniscient POV ✧*

He runs his hand through his silky raven hair entering the Intel8 building. A soft yawn escapes his chapped lips as he waves to the security guy next to the elevator. Once he steps inside it, he immediately feels sleepy. Damn it, he shouldn't have stayed that long, but Yoongi insisted. And he could never say no to him, not when they were surrounded by beautiful girls while they played the instruments and, from time to time, drank good alcohol.

The first floor looks busy and it's never a surprise. At least nobody will be able to notice he's late. The only thing that revolves around his mind is banana milk – his best cure for a tiny hangover. And his comfy chair.

By the time he reaches his seat, there is a sudden outburst of joy coming from all directions and he shakes his head, a bit dumbfounded.


"Kook, you're IMPOSSIBLE!"

"Awww, Kookie, we are so proud."

"Jungkook-ah, why didn't you say anything?"

"Wh-why didn't I say what?" All these reactions and emotions have him feel embarrassed at once, he was never used to such openness, especially when it came to strangers. His fists tighten, making his knuckles almost go white. His face turns red and then purple with anger once he realizes what this all is about. His doe eyes, sleepy and narrowed yet a while ago, now darken immediately when he sets his focus on Y/N's handwriting. He frowns, confusion is growing within him while people are hugging him and cheering around him almost wildly. But to him, it feels like a dream – a pretty weird one actually.

And then there's a cake and some exquisite champagne popping in the background, more hugs and more cheerful shouts.

He can't believe she did that. 

That she promoted him without even telling him. What a fucked-up situation, he thinks to himself, waves of inconsistent thoughts fighting in his head as he lets a quiet gasp and opens his mouth only to close it right away. And that's what he looked like, a fish out of water.


It's almost 5PM and my shift comes to an end but I am convinced I won't leave before 7 today. Ticking of the clock has become annoying and my stomach is rumbling – the thought of meeting with Tae this Friday and my not so wise decision of promoting Jungkook clearly takes its tool and I just keep on working to fully occupy my attention.

I spin in my chair and shrug a little. My favorite mint blouse starts looking too loose on me and I eventually decide to order food online. I take a pizza with extra mushroom topping and come back to working.

"What the hell is that?" a sudden creak of the door along with a low nonchalant tone reach my ears and my face goes white when I raise my gaze and see Kook. He doesn't care about the door being slammed; most people have already gone home. He stands 3 feet further, his brows furrowed, eyes narrowed and body tensed. One hand rests uneasily on his hip while the other holds onto a thin piece of paper.

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