Chapter 2

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When lunch came around, I was late for all my classes and most of the students were laughing at me. I found a place to eat and it looked like no one hung out there so I think I'm safe, or so I thought. 

I hear a loud burp and laughter coming from behind me. I tried to keep my attention away from the group but I couldn't help but turn around. It's the boys from this morning. I quickly started packing up my stuff, 

"where do you think you're going" I froze in place but turned to face them, I kept quiet and started to panic,

"come on hockstetter leave her alone" Hockstetter rolled his eyes and turn back around 

"Why do you get all the fun Henry" the boy with the mullet stepped forward,

 "because you wreak it for everyone else and you don't know how to share" hockstetter stood silently as henry walked closer to me and rested his arm on my shoulder 

"so you gonna meet after school or not?" his mates all had smirks on their faces and it was worrying "I don't know, I might. There's just one problem: I don't know where the Quarry is. 

''I was honest with them because they all looked at me disappointed  I didn't say yes. 

"Alrighty then come on guys" he waved his arm motions them to follow him as they walked off he turned around and winked at me, turning back around to push some kid out of his way, the kid looked familiar. 

I rushed over to him to make sure he was okay. 

"hey are you alright, I saw what happened," I asked helping him up,

 "Yeah, I'm alright. Wait who even are you?" Richie asked,

 "oh crap right I'm Zavanna Mccoy, nice to meet you" I held out my hand for a handshake and he did the same 

"Richie Tozier, my friends call me trash mouth sometimes though, as a joke I mean". 

"Me and my friends are going to the Quarry after school if you need some friends with you being new and all and only if you want," he said while adjusting his glasses.

"um sure I'd love to, but I've never been to the quarry before" his jaw dropped, and looked at me like I just ran over his dog,

 "How have you not been to the quarry yet, it's one of the only good places here other than the arcade" we started walking back to class cause the bell was about to go,

 "Richie, I've only been here for a few weeks and I've been unpacking and getting the house ready to be lived in, I used to live here when I was a kid but I don't really remember any of it," I exclaimed as I leaned against my locker, just as Richie opened his locker three boys ran up to him  

"Richie Bowers is coming. I'd be careful" I looked around and I couldn't see him anywhere "thanks Eddie". 

"Sorry, Zavanna but we gotta go" before he could run off I followed him not knowing what I'd gotten myself into.

"Where do you think you losers are going" I stood in the doorway to see henry throw Richie into one of his friends knocking both of them over, hockstetter stood there and laughed with the other two boys, I knew I couldn't just stand there and do nothing even though I'd just met them both in a matter of seconds I had to pick one of them.

"Oi Henry!" I started running down the stairs to help Richie up, 

"oh look she standing up for the losers," the boy ended his sentence with a huge burp in Eddie's ear making him gag, 

"would you shut up belch" the other boys took a step back from Henry "what have they ever done to you" I stood my ground still sticking up for them." d..don't have to do" Bill whispered to me but Henry could only just hear him 

"Did you s..s...say something B..B...Billy" Bill just looked at the ground as Henry stood right in his face "you got a free ride this year because of you brother, summers gonna be a real hurt train for you and your faggot friends."

 I pushed bill aside and made henry look at me, I tried thinking of something to say back but I was too focused on the others,

 "looks the princess has lost her words," the blonde boy said laughing,

 "Vic's right you're not as tough as you think you are and I just proved it, next time fight battle you at least have a chance at winning" he blew a kiss and walked off. 

"Zavanna are you okay?" Eddie put his hands on my shoulder trying to get my attention. I was frozen, I felt so panicked and anger was rising inside me but it wasn't towards bowers or any of his friends but at myself, I didn't do anything to help them I felt like I made it worse,

 "I'm so so sorry if I made things worse it's just I know what it's like to be bullied so I wanted to try and help" I let out a huge sigh and started to walk off 

"Zavanna wait" I felt someone tug my arm and stop me in my tracks I look back to see the boy who first fell on the ground, 

"I'm Stan, by the way, you actually helped us more than anyone else would, most people would just stand there and laugh, but hey welcome to the losers." they all smiled and it seemed like they'd all been friends for years and on my first day which is kinda stupid but it was a few days before summer. 

A/N: two updates in a day wow😂. I'm up for suggestions and if you see anything I've gotten mixed up or have left out or anything I'm ok if you tell me, I really just want to entertain people and continue writing. 

Not Afraid Anymore (Henry bowers)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя