Chapter 3

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School ended finally and henry and his friends stood at belch's car but there was a cop car parked outside of school, my dad stepped out and what it looked like to be his partner and they were standing with a woman who looked distressed,

  "that's Betty Ripsons mother," Eddie said as he stood behind me, 

"you think they'll ever find her," I asked all of the boys shrugged their shoulders but Richie,

 "yeah they'll finder in a ditch all decomposed covered in worms and maggots," he said jokingly,

 "R...Richie s..s..she's missing not d..d..dead" bill snapped, Richie jumped not expecting it,

 "right sorry bill, she missing". 

I was left to get my bike when a pair of hands cover my eyes,

 "Guess who?" I knew exactly who it was Henry, 

"Oh, I don't know, satan maybe?" I said sarcastically, he spun me around so we locked eyes,

 "why were you standing up for the losers, I can tell that you're so much better than that" he started leaning in closer so I forcefully stepped back but he grabbed my waist, 

"All I did was stand up for them against you that was it and plus all I want is some friends and they seem really nice, nicer than you at least and maybe I'm already their friend, and you're not my boyfriend and you can't tell me what I can and can't do," his eyes widened in shock and he took a step back, I looked over to where the cop car was and dad was comforting Mrs. Ripson while the other was eyeing Henry when Henry noticed he backed up,

 "I really hope I'll see you at the Quarry" he bolted off back to his mates. The losers had already left so I had a chance to ride around town for a little bit until I had to be home for curfew.

"Hey dad, how was the first day?" I sat at the kitchen bench while he started cooking, 

"The day was mainly focused on Mrs. Ribson and that's all I can really tell you, but how was your first day, and tell me about that boy with you after school" I laughed when he brought up henry,

 "Oh Henry, he's just a boy that's it and he's a jerk anyway, but I did make some other friends Bill, Eddie, Richie, and Stan. I helped them with Henry cause like I said he's a jerk, and I was late to all my classes and why did I have to start a week before the break there's really no point to it." I spun around waiting for an answer,

 "what this Henry's last name I'll sort him out for you, but I'm happy to hear that you've made some friends and know that there's a curfew I need to know your whereabouts all the time got it" his tone went from joking to serious very quickly,

"It's bowers but promise you won't do anything he already doesn't like me that much, he told me to meet him at the quarry but I rode around town instead" his face dropped after I said 'bowers' he stopped what he was doing,

 "look, I work with his dad and I invited them over I didn't want to tell you because I didn't want you to have a big reaction, they'll be over at any minute now,"

He looked at the clock and it was nearly six-thirty. I rushed up to my room and stared at the mirror, 'this will do right, it's not like I have to impress him I don't like him or anyone for that matter henrys a jerk' my thoughts were interrupted by the doorbell ringing. 

I poke my head around the corner to see Mr bowers shaking my dad's hand, 

"you got anything to drink Mccoy," he asked while walking over to the fridge to see nothing was there "never mind then," he said slowly closing the door, 

"Hey honey, our guests have arrived be nice and come say hello" he shouted I rolled my eyes and slowly walked out to see Mr. Bowers and henry sitting st the bench, and henry was sitting in my spot so I stood at the end of the bench leaning over it. 

"You must be the lovely Zavanna I've heard so much about" I smiled and shook his hand 

"that's me". 

There was silence when we were sitting eating I was seated across from Henry who hadn't said a word at all to anyone, I started swinging my legs accidentally kicking him under the table, he gave me a look of playfulness and kicked me back, so we continued that until we were excused 

"Zav why don't you take Henry to your room for a little bit I need to talk with butch about work" he kissed the top of my head and motioned me towards my room, I kept my head down and waited for him to fire up at me for being a loser again. 

"you know what Mccoy, I wasn't expecting any of this from you" he started snooping and he found a switchblade, I've been hiding cause if my dad found out he'd freak,

 "Please put that back Henry it was a gift from my mum" he turned fiddling with it passing it between his figures placing it back on my desk. 

"So what exactly do you do for fun" he crossed his arms waiting for my answer, I looked over at my tall bookcase filled with books, journals, and a few diaries 

"I've never really been able to have any fun cause I'm never normally in a town for long, so I read books and write journals and stuff" he was leaned against my desk pretended to fall asleep, I sat down on my bad and threw a stuffed animal at him, 

"hey jerk" we both started laughing at each other. 

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