Chapter 7

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It was almost two hours after Ben walked into the library the boys and I had found places to stand so we weren't seen, Vic kept me by his side and I was happy there but every time I locked eyes with Henry he didn't look so happy. After a while, Ben came rushing out. 

"Where are you off to tits" Ben turned to see Henry he didn't even notice that Hockstetter was about to pin him down before he started running,

 "LET ME GO!" Ben started kicking and screaming but no one was around. 

"Henry where are we going?" Vic had hold of a part of Ben's shirt dragging him along,

 "I don't know, how about the bridge?" Belch joined Vic in dragging Ben cause his kicks grew more aggressive by the second. 

Once the bridge was in sight Ben was thrown into Hockstetter and he pulled Ben's arms behind his head so he couldn't move them, Belch then pulled his shirt over his head so he couldn't see. Vic then decided to slap his stomach, once they reached a certain point they pinned him to the fence, that's when I remembered my knife, I pulled it out and pushed the boys out of my way,

 "you there are two things derry's known for?" I looked at the gang and they all smiled and nodded their heads I clicked the knife so the blade showed " It's known for Sucking face and...... and carving names" I started cutting the letter 'Z' into the side of his stomach the sound of him screaming filled me with a feeling I've never felt before.

It was unlike me to be doing this but after what happened with Greta and the losers I needed to get some anger out and I knew ben was a part of their group.

Ben got half his strength back and kicked me, pushing himself off the side of the bridge rolling down the hill. 

"You little shit, you're gonna pay for that" Henry then jumped the fence and started rolling after him. 

"Damn that was so sick Zav" Hockstetter offered his hand to help me up,

"I know I just need to do something to let the anger out" I brushed the small amount of gravel that stuck to my shirt and then jumped the fence with the rest of the boys following.

Ben was nowhere to be seen once we got there and neither was Henry,

 "Wanna split it'll be a lot faster to find them" I wanted to finish what I started. I didn't care who followed me, but after a while, I saw Henry just standing there in the middle of the stream, it was like he was frozen. 

"H..h.Henry?" I kept my distance, he turned and his hands were covered in blood and so was his head. I looked around and the rest of the guys were nowhere to be seen.

 "Oh my god Henry what the fuck happened" I ran to him not caring and I started looking to see if he had cut himself, he then started laughing at me,

 "You're cute when you're worried" He smiled and warped his arms around my waist. I punched him in the arm,

 "tell me what's with all the blood" he looked at his hands and then at me,

 "it's Ben's not mine I caught him but then he got away" he pulled me close to him our faces inches apart. My heart started racing, he placed his bloody hand on my cheek pulling my face towards his, and then he kissed me. His lips were so soft I didn't want this moment to stop so I kissed back, but he stopped at the sound of splashing water behind us. We both turned our heads to see Vic, Belch, and Hockstetter standing there, all three of their jaws dropped when they saw us. 

"What are you guys looking at?" I couldn't stop myself from giggling at their faces but they all joined me "so does this mean she's officially a part of the gang, Henry?" Hockstetter asked, acting creepy again,

  "well it's up to her." he looked back at me raising an eyebrow smiling. I threw my arms out offering a group hug and they all joined awkwardly. 

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