Chapter 9

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The sun started fading away and it grew colder. Hardly any cars were driving around so I kept walking until I heard loud music off in the distance. 

I'd know it anywhere, Belched pulled the car up beside me and Hockstetter poked his head out, "you need a lift?" I smiled and jumped in,

 "long time no see boys," I said as I climbed into the back,

 "Why are you walking around past curfew? isn't your dad one of the main policemen here?" Belch asked, I slid down the seat at the mention of my dad. 

"uhh... yeah about that" I started but was cut off by Henry who was really silent,

 "you don't need to talk about it Belch just needs to learn to mind his own business. Right Belch" Belch swallowed hard and looked in the mirror and shook his head and agreed. 

I couldn't hold back my tears anymore and one started running down my cheek, Hockstetter saw and he pulled me closer to him rubbing the top of my arm, I couldn't have cared how much of a creep he could be. He was a nice person when he wanted to be. 

"We're going to Vic's for the night his parents are out of town for the week so we're keeping him company" hockstetter broke the silence moving his hand up from my arm to my head making me rest it on his chest, 

"well, that sounds better than being at home right about now" I forced a smile so the boys would think I'm 'okay'.

Belch flew up Vic's driveway almost hitting his garage, "dude are you sure you know how to drive" Vic said as he stepped out of the car, Belch burped before he started talking, 

"of course, if I didn't we'd be like the losers and ride a bike everywhere" he replied laughing walking inside, Hockstetter still had his around me even after we got out of the car. 

"Can I please have my arm back Hockstetter?" I asked him quietly so the others didn't notice what was going on, he then slowly removed his arm and walked off the kitchen, the guys started laughing in the kitchen and I just leaned against the doorway glaring at them, 

"I'm here too you know?" I started laughing as they motioned me to join, Henry picked me up and sat me on the bench,

"Here try this" he threw me a beer from the fridge, he opened his with such ease and I sat and started laughing at myself for struggling so much,

 "give it here" he took the drink out of my hand and twist the cap off,

 "it's that easy!?" I really didn't know how easy it was which made it funnier. 

"do you wanna help pick a movie with us before I knock both Belch and Patrick out" Vic poked his head around the corner looking really annoyed, I took one last swig of my drink,

"Sure I'll come and help just give me a minute" Henry watched as I struggled to try to get off the bench, 

"Can I have some help please?" he placed his beer down and picked me up without a word. 

"Are you going to help pick a movie?" I placed my arms around his neck but it made him flinch, 

"are you okay?" I threw my arms off him but he turned and walked out to the others. 

"Nice of you to join us Zav" Vic patted the cushion beside him and Henry to sit and so I did, 

"so have we picked a movie yet?" I was really curious and also impatient that everyone knew about me, 

"well, we did find Friday the 13th part eight. I hope you're good with horror movies," Belch was in control of the TV for the night. During the movie I got scared. I threw my head into my knees, when I opened my eyes I saw the clown from earlier killing one of the people on the TV, he had this big grin on his face when he stabbed her neck letting her bleed out. I screamed and turned the TV off completely, 

"what the fuck Zavanna!" Belch threw the remote at me, hitting me in the ribs. I winced in pain grasping where it had hit me, Vic then stood up and carried me off to one of the spare rooms he had set up. 

"What happened Zav?" he asked, placing me on the bed then sitting beside me. I let out a huge sigh hoping he wouldn't think I'm crazy. 

"I saw a clown on the TV and earlier when I was walking around I passed the old well house, and I heard a little girl's voice coming from inside say 'come join us, we all float down here too' after that a balloon came out of nowhere so I moved it out of my way and then the clown jumped at me" I started to panic just to rethink about that moment was hard enough. Vic hugged me tightly,

 "do you want someone to stay with you until you fall asleep cause I can go ask Henry or I can stay" he let me go and headed for the door,

 " c..can you go get Henry please, but if he doesn't want to can you?" he smiled at me "sure". 

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