Chapter 11

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"Alright if we're going to the quarry I'm changing so can I please be pointed in the direction of the bathroom?" Vic pointed to the farthest door away from everyone else,

 "thanks" I bolted for the bathroom ' holy shit! Why did I leave the losers?' I had to stop my thoughts before they got too crazy and got in the shower. Ten minutes passed and there was a knock at the door,

 "just a minute," I turned the shower off and wrapped a towel around me to see that no one was there 'I must be hearing things again. I heard the boys talking in the kitchen so I was safe to get changed. I finally got to wear my bathers. I pulled on a loose white dress and put it over the top. 

"You guys ready" I smiled watching their reactions one by one. 

"Damn Zav, I didn't think you owned a dress," Patrick thought he was funny at the comment,

 "I'm full of surprises I thought you knew that" I poked my tongue at and he did it back, 

"All alright alright cut it out, we're all right if so get your asses in the car" Belch was really impatient at this moment,

 "Hey Vic I'll race you for the front'' I smiled and started running, "you're so on" he bolted right after me and it was a tie, so we started to rock, paper, scissors until it was three in a row "ha yes I win" he jumped in the air. The rest of the boys slowly walked to meet us. "Ok so how can we go?" I was already seated in the back seat, "come on you guys take forever" we all started laughing and then left.

While driving I spotted the homeschooled kid riding to the butcher,

 ''hey isn't that the homeschooled kid?" Henry darted his head in the direction I pointed,

 "Belch step on it" our cruising turned into a death march after those words were said,

"This should be fun" Hochstetter exclaimed as he adjusted the way he was sitting so he could see. The boy saw us and then darted down an alleyway,

"fucking hell, belch turn around" Henry wasn't himself none of the boys were,

"Hey, Zav since you saw him first you gotta say something to him about being in this town" Vic turned and handed me a rock. I hesitated but nodded. Within seconds we hit the alley, I placed myself on the door and threw the rock that had been given to me,

"get the fuck out of town" a look of shock came across his face as he threw his hand trying to dodge the rock. Belch sped off before anyone could've seen what was going on. 

"I knew I liked you for a reason," Henry said, pulling me closer to him. 

"So are we just gonna drive or can we finally go" I was cut off mid-sentence,

 "oh my god yes we're going to the quarry you haven't shut up about it since we all agreed" Belch wasn't happy with me after that and he wasn't scared to show it, so we all sat in silence until we got there.

Belch decided to piss me off by driving laps around town until he spotted that kid again,

 "looks like round two hey guys" Henry got all excited as Belch followed him but stayed behind. The boy started speeding up and Belch followed his every move until he got off his bike and ran into some tree, 

"hurry up and get him!" Hochstetter was the first to run, and then I was left behind. I couldn't run in a dress, but I had no choice. When I reached the boys they were pushing him back and forth until they found a dead animal on the ground. Henry tripped him and tried to force him to eat it,

"EAT IT. GO ON EAT!" the boy started chanting 'Mike' that's when it hit that it was his name. Mike's attention drifted off across the stream and my eyes followed to see that clown chewing on someone's arm, when we made eye contact with it he waved the arm. Mike tried getting up but Henry kicked him in the face almost knocking him out, that's when the losers showed up. 

Beverly picked up a rock and threw it as hard as she could, hitting Henry in the head, knocking him to the ground. Mike saw the advantage and rushed across to them. 

"You're in for it now losers" Henry threw himself up and shouted at them all,

 "you fucking little shits" another rock was thrown by Richie but it missed nearly hitting me, all the losers stopped and stared when I came out and stood beside Henry. 

"W..w..what the f...fuck Zavanna why are you w..with Bowers?" Bill stepped forward with a concerned look on his face, I went to speak but Henry spoke over me 

"she found out how fun we all can be" he placed one hand on my waist and the other on my face and pulled in for a kiss trying to make them jealous. I knew I had to play along so I kissed him back, making him smile. Beverly threw another rock making us stop,

"See all you gotta do is ask nicely isn't that right" he grabbed his groin licking his lips and winking at me. 

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