Chapter 8

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Vic pulled me away from the group asking, "why'd you cut Ben, I thought you were his friend or something with that group?" I rolled my eyes,

 "I said earlier that I must have done something wrong" he nodded his head ending the conversation. When we caught up with the group Vic got his seat in the front next to Belch and I was in the back with Henry and Hockstetter, which wasn't that bad but occasionally Hockstetter tried putting his hand on my thigh which made me move close to Henry.

 When he noticed he put his arm around my waist and pulled me onto his lap. 

"Does anyone wanna go to the movies?" I called breaking the silence "hell yea" Belch stepped on the gas speeding down the main street until we saw the arcade.

The arcade was joined to the movies so we stopped there first just to see if there were any good movies to watch but there weren't.

My heart stopped for a second when I saw him inside playing street fighter with some other boy. They looked like they were having fun. I walked in behind the rest of the boys and then I heard Richie from the other side of the room,

 "yes!" he jumped with excitement and the boy he was with just laughed,

"man you're really good," he said while scratching the back of his neck, Richie picked up the last token he had,

"Wanna go again?" he held it in the air and adjusted his glasses, Henry noticed who Richie was talking to and didn't seem to like it. 

"Connor?" he slowly started walking towards them and I followed him in the hope he wouldn't do anything too bad. When Connor spoke up,

"dude why are you acting so weird. I'm not your fucking boyfriend," everyone in the arcade turned to look at Richie, his face lost all its color after Connor had said those words. Henry got closer, "Richie are you tryin' to bone my little cousin?" his tone grew dark,

"I... I .. I wasn'" Henry cut him off,

 "GET OUT OF HERE FAGGOT!" When he raised his voice my eyes filled with tears as I watched Richie rush out the door, none of the boys had noticed thankfully. My thoughts towards Henry had changed after that day but I still stuck around.

A few days had passed and it had felt like forever since I'd seen the boys but I thought that I needed some time with my dad before he had to go back to work. 

"Got any ideas on what to do?" I asked laying upside down on the couch throwing an old tennis ball at the roof, he sighed he rolled his eyes at me,

"Look why don't you go find something you can do quietly, I'm tired and you know I have to work tomorrow" his words started to sound slurred but he wasn't drunk.was he?.

"I'm sorry dad I'll go and let you rest" I quickly got up and headed for the door. My dad was a shit whisperer,

 "fucking finally". My eyes filled with tears as I ran out the door, I didn't care where I was heading I just needed to get out. 

I managed to find myself on the corner of Neibolt street. There was talk about it at school but I paid no attention to it, I looked around and saw the old well house. The front door was wide open, same with the gate. Temptation nearly took over me when I heard a voice coming from inside.

"come and join us Zavanna. We all float down here," it sounded like little kids but I brushed the voice off and kept walking. A small shadow appeared behind my head and I turned to see a single red balloon. I pushed it away making a clown appear behind it, he was so tall and he just laughed as I fell to the floor scared for my life, 

"aww if it isn't poor little Zavanna, where've your little boyfriends to save you now," my fear then turned into anger "I don't have a boyfriend and you're just a stupid clown without a life" I bolted away hoping he hadn't followed.

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