Chapter 29

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September finally came around, the losers' accepted both me and Henry into the group and had asked if we wanted to meet by the river, I gave Henry no choice but to accept their offer,

Henry took ownership of Belch's Trans am after the Neiobolt incident, and no matter what Henry won't talk about like as if nothing had happened, 

"this better not become a daily thing, you know that, right?" he questioned as he placed his hand on my thigh, 

"Well the one thing i do know is you should focus on the road and not me," I teased,

"Wow, just Wow," He replied smirking. He stopped the right beside all of the bikes piled on the side of the road, there was a single trail that lead from where they'd been laid, 

"You're not scared are you?" I asked jokingly, Henry sat playing with the collar of his shirt before following, 

Once we made it to the group Richie got up and welcomed me with a hug, 

"You made it," he greeted, 

"Yeah, someone can't take directions," I whispered, but loud enough that Henry could still hear me, 

"Bev was just telling us about that thing at Neiobolt," Eddie explained as henry and I got seated, 

"I...I can only remember parts, i thought i was dead, that's what it felt like," she explained, "I saw us, all of us together back in the cistern, but we were older, like our parents' ages."

"What were we all doing there?" Bill questioned, 

Bev looked as if she didn't want to answer, "I just remember how we felt, and how scared we were," she replied, "I don't think i could ever forget that,"

Bill picked up a broken piece of glass holding it in the air, "swear it. swear if it isn't dead, if it ever comes back, we'll come back, to." 

Henry shot me a concerned glance as Bill held the glass to the palm of his hand, the whole group but Henry and I stood in a circle, Richie grabbed the sleeve of my shirt pulling meto my feet. 

We all watched as Bill dug the glass into his palm followed by his blood seeping from the wound, Richie hesitated to hold out his hand and winsted when it penetrated his skin. Bill stopped in front of me holding his hand out waiting for my hand, I adjusted my sleeve revealing a small part of the scar that had been left from Henry's dad. 

I couldn't bare watching the glass cut through my hand so I buried my head into Henry's shoulder as he covered my eyes' with his hand. when the glass left my hand it left a stinging sensation.

As Bill pierced Henry's' skin he pulled his hand away making the cut deeper then it should've been, everyone else held the same reaction afterwards,

After Bill reached Bev they linked hands. Richie glanced over at Henry who already had a tight grip on my left hand, I past looks between the both of them stopping at Richie picking up his hand, 

Everyone stood in silence as blood dripped from each hand, 

Stan broke the silence after everyone let go, "I gotta go," He claimed, everyone stared at him, "I hate you," he announced glaring directly at Bill who looked straight at his feet, Stan's face soon grew a smile forcing the others to join him in laughing, 

"I'll cya later," Stan said before walking off, 

Eddie turned and Pulled Richie in for a tight hug before saying goodbye, 

"bye, guys." Eddie chimed waving as he wandered back up the path, 

"well, later losers'," Mike teased as he wandered off not long after Eddie, 

"Cya later Zav," Richie announced, he wrapped his arm around my neck pulling me in to him, "I'm sorry for being such a dick over the summer,"

"it's alright Rich, Trust me," I replied, 

"Alright then Cya around," Richie waved his way through the group making us laugh one last time, 

"I better head off too, " Ben announced awkedly, he stuffed his hands into his pockets hanging his head low before following behind Richie, 

" all packed for Portland?" Bill stuttered, he's seated himself next to Bev on a log, I turned to Henry motioning for us to leave, 

"Hey, we're gonna head off too," Henry called,

Bev got up from the log and rush herself over to hug me, the boys stood awkwardly waiting for us to let go of eachother, 

"Have fun in Portland, I'll try my best to come and visit," I claimed finally breaking the hug, 

"And i'll try my best to have fun," she joked, 

"Okay, well see you guys later,"

Henry placed his arm around my shoulder leading me back to the car. Before getting in Henry pulled me back by the hand spinning me into his chest, he held my waist and started swaying, 

"Bowers what are you doing?" I questioned, he lowered his head into my neck planting small kiss leading up to my jaw, 

"I love you, McCoy," He blurted, before he could say anything else I planted my lips onto his. He pulled away staring blankly, 

"What's wrong?" I questioned, 

A smile started to cover his face, his arms wrapped around my waist as he lifted me off the ground spinning until he nearly stumbled over a tree root,

"All my life i've been scared that no one would ever like me back, but now i'm not afraid anymore, because I have you." he explained, 

I couldn't help but let out a slight giggle, "Well I love you too, Bowers," 

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