Chapter 5

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I woke up way too early for a school day but for it being the last day who wouldn't be excited? 

I decided to put my bathers under my clothes to hang out by the quarry, I found an old oversized band shirt and some black ripped jeans and I put on some old black boots. I didn't bother about my hair so I  ran a brush through it and left it.

Dad must have had the day off because he still wasn't awake, I decided to leave early in the hope I'd find someone and to my surprise, Richie was riding past on his bike,

"Hey Richie wait up please" he swerved his bike and stopped in front of me, 

"Hey zavanna'' he pushed his glasses back because they were sliding, 

"is it alright if I ride to school with you?" I asked picking up my bike,

 "Sure if you don't mind picking up the others" he started riding in circles waiting for me to ride with him. 

The first house we made it to was Bill, he was already out the front waiting,

 "Hey bill" I call as he starts riding,

 "H..H...Hey, Z.Zavanna" I was happy to be a part of this group, even if Henry bullied them but I'm still unsure about my feeling towards him. The next house was Eddies, his mum stood out the front waving him goodbye,

"Now Eddie bear don't forget your medication" she blew him a kiss and headed back inside when she saw me she didn't look too happy but yet didn't say anything and then Stan met us halfway because we spent a little bit of time at Eddie's because of his mum.

We all made it to school with twenty minutes to the bell, the losers and I were sitting at the stairs, I could tell that the boys were looking out for Henry and his gang but I couldn't see them anywhere,

"Guys stop being such worrywarts, come on it's the last day before summer" the boys just looked at me stupidly,

 "n..not to rude but Bowers and his g...g..gang have been out to get us for years w..w..we got lucky this year" bill quietly spoke but he stopped when he saw another girl from a year,

 "Wow, guys this must be the closest you've all been to a girl" I turned around to see a girl standing in overalls and a bright pink bag,

"Listen you've just given away all your love life by hanging out with these losers but hey you could always hang out with me" she held her hand out offering to help me up,

"I'm Greta by the way" I took her hand and smiled,

 "I'm Zavanna, and I think I'm pretty happy with the friends I have," she threw my hand away and scoffed as she flipped her hair and walked into school.

The bell was just about to ring and all the boys left me to go to their lockers while I was still seated at the stairs. 

"Hey gorgeous" I looked up to see hockstetter standing at the bottom behind him were Vic and Belch but no Henry,

"Why aren't you in school yet you know the bells gonna go" Vic stood there with his arms crossed not making eye contact,

 "I could say the same about you three" we all started laughing at each other. The bell went and then we all split off to our lockers. We didn't really have any classes today it was mainly cleaning up, since I only started a few days ago I didn't have anything in my locker, once the final bell rang I met up with the losers, 

"So how was everyone's last day" they all just gave me a side-eye,

"Okay then, who wants to go to the Quarry with me" I tried lightening the mood but it didn't work, they once again ignored me. Richie then spotted Henry and his gang, 

"Do you think they'll sign my yearbook" he paused after making eye contact with them,

 "Dear Richie sorry for taking a hot steaming dump in your bag the last march," he stopped talking once he saw Greta who took my arm and threw me into the girl's bathroom,

 "I warned you about hanging out with the losers" I stood against the wall lost about what she was talking about,

 "Greta what are you talking about" at this point, she looked like she'd had enough of me,

"argh you little shit" she slammed her hands on the wall beside me, she grasped my hair, and then threw me to the ground she tried to punch me multiple times but missed every shot,

"What the fuck Greta!" I got out of her grasp and stood up and backed out slowly. She didn't say anything but kept walking towards me,

"Greta come on we can talk about this for fuck sake" I stopped standing my ground until we were face to face.

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