Chapter Eight: Unexpected Sleepover

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George POV

The one thing that I didn't miss about Florida was the constant, unrelenting heat. Even in September the sun still beats down on me like it's the middle of summer, and there are rarely clouds to offer any sort of relief from the harsh rays. It's a stark contrast to England. 

But I guess leaning against Clay's dark gray car isn't helping much either. That thing is practically a magnet for heat. 

My head shoots up as I hear a door swing open. I see Clay jogging over, his backpack swinging behind him. He signs a quick 'hello' as he walks over to the driver's side. 

"Did you get the notes?" I ask. 

He nods as he opens the door and slides into his seat. I do the same as he starts the engine. It's a weird feeling, having your friend drive you for the first time, especially when the last time you saw them was when you were both needing permission for playdates. 

The car right is filled with a comfortable silence, the radio playing softly in the background. I can see Clay's fingers tapping to the beat of the song just out of the corner of my eye. 

We arrive at his house, it's still relatively the same as when I was last here, although there is a fresh layer of paint covering the outside. It's still the same shade of tan though. We exit Clay's car and walk towards the side door, in between the house and the garage. Clay opens the door and kicks off his shoes in the mudroom, I enter behind him and take a little more care in taking off and placing my shoes than he does. 

He motions with his head to follow him into the living area of his house. Clay's house is fairly nice, it's not too small but has two levels. It's obvious that his parents are living comfortably but are not insanely rich. A good middle ground. It's also been build with a more open concept, having only the chimney separate the living and dining room, and the kitchen counter dividing it from the other rooms. 

As we walk into the living area I see his mom cleaning some dishes in their sink. Helen, I think her name was. She must hear us walking because she turns rather quickly in our direction. 

"Oh Clay honey you're home! How was school?" She asks cheerfully. 

Clay signs a response, but it's still too quick for me to comprehend fully. I think I saw him spelling my name at some point. 

"George! Oh my god look how you've grown. Come here," she exclaims, rushing over to embrace me in a warm hug. She was always a touchy woman, it must be where Clay gets it from. 

I let out a laugh as we reunite. "Hi, Mrs. Taken it's good to see you again." 

"Oh stop that George, you know you can call me Helen," She says, pulling back, hands still on my shoulders as she studies my face. 

She clicks her tongue before she speaks. "Just look at you. You've grown into such a fine omega, wouldn't you agree Clay?" 

My eyes quickly shoot to the floor as I feel my face heat up. I now remember Helen having little to no filter, I guess nothing has changed. 

I glance up at Clay, his face also sporting a bright pink tint, as he combs a hand through his hair. 

"Oh come on boys I'm just teasing," She laughs as she walks back into the kitchen. I walk to the counter and take a seat at one of their stools, Clay sitting down in the one next to mine. I see him take out his phone and start typing. 

u still sit in the same spot 

I look up and see his dumb smile plastered across his face. I pray to god he doesn't notice my blush reappearing. 

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