Chapter Thirteen: The Storm

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TW: underage drinking, attempted sexual assault

Stay safe ily <3 

George POV

The moment we step into Alex's house, my senses are completely overwhelmed. I feel like I'm choking on all of the different scents, not only from having both omegas and alphas in such close proximity but the smoke from vapes and cigarettes is visible in the air that hangs above our heads. 

There are also a lot more than just people from our high school. Apparently, the news of this party had gotten out to the public. Alex does have a hard time keeping his mouth shut. 

I grab Clay's hand tighter as he leads us through the crowds. We get close to the back of the house when I spot the drink table. I stop walking and pull Clay's arm a little to get him to notice. He turns around and gives me a confused look. With the music blasting into our ribcage, it would be useless for me to try and talk, so I point over to the drinks and start to lead him over. 

I stand in front of the table about to reach for a cup when Clay grabs my arm, making me jump out of my skin. 

"What?" I shout, trying to through the volume of the music. 

Are you sure you want to do this? 

I scoff, "yes I am. I wouldn't be over here if I wasn't. Why?" I let my voice get as soft as it can while still being heard, I can see that Clay isn't too comfortable right now, shifting from foot to foot. 

I just don't trust these drinks. There are a lot of strangers here. 

I blink once, and then again. He's right, I almost could've done something really stupid. Who knows what has been put into these drinks on top of the alcohol. I nod, looking at him for what to do next. 

Let's find Nick. He going to have safe drinks. 

I nod again, not really able to find the words. I just want to get away from the makeshift bar. I can't believe I was almost stupid enough to do that. I can't even blame my omega instincts, that was all me. 

Clay grabs my hand as we snake through the crowd around to the backyard of Alex's house. There's a large in-ground pool that is lit up with multi-colored lights on the inside. There's a group of people playing volleyball in the water, occasionally screaming and shouting among each other. Despite there being a large pool, there is also a large amount of yard space, which is where Nick, Karl, and Alex just so happen to be. 

They're all gathered around a table and seem to be setting up a game of beer pong. I perk up a little at the sight. This could be fun. Karl notices us walking over and waves energetically. 

Clay, of course, was right about Nick having safer drinks. Apparently, his older brother went out and bought a large pack of beer before the party for Nick. What a good brother. 

The next couple of hours are a blur of laughter, yelling, and the burn of alcohol. I teamed with Alex and went up against Karl and Nick. Clay opted out of the game, he wasn't too thrilled with the idea of drinking tonight. Nick got over competitive which was not good for me and Alex. Nick has such an accurate aim that it shouldn't be possible. In the span of two games, he missed one cup. How is that even possible?  

Eventually, Alex and I get tired of losing and we all decide to take a breather from beer pong. Clay is over sitting on a lawn chair, scrolling on his phone. I walk over and tap his shoulder. He jumps a little at the sudden touch, quickly glancing up at me. I smile, trying to ease his sudden tension. 

"Just wanted to tell you I'm gonna go to the bathroom," I say. He sits up a little more, brows furrowing. 

Do you want me to go with you?

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