Attention Readers!

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Attention readers, this is your captain speaking: The first chapter of my new story, The Spirit Box has been posted and it's well over 4,000 words so you should totally go check it out! It's another dnf story because I can't help myself. 

And as for this story, I'm not discontinuing it but I'm going to be taking some space from it. I've been having a very difficult time being satisfied and happy with where I'm trying to take this story and just forming its sentences in general. I originally chose for this story to be written in first person as practice, but I now only hate writing that way more because of it. 

When I do update the story I think I'm going to switch to third person so I can give this story an ending that I can be proud of. 

Anyways that's all I have for now, go read The Spirit Box because I'm really proud of it and I did legit research for it and I will be updating that story (I hope) relatively soon. 

it's also cross-posted on ao3 if you prefer to read there, same title and username :) 

Edit: I'm an idiot 

I've just realized that I didn't even give a teaser for my new book because I'm dumb and posted this at like 2 am or something without thinking. So I'm gonna fix that. 


George O'Fore finds himself in the most unusual place. A haunted ship hotel. Having recently discovered he is a medium, George decides to test his luck and attempts to communicate with the dead. He calls out questions in the empty air of his hotel room, not expecting anything to come of it.

However, no one told him what he is supposed to do when the spirit box finally answers back.


George tries to unravel a decades-old mystery and manages to acquire a clingy ghost boyfriend along the way.

A little snippet from the chapter: 

There's a soft knock that echoes through the room. George whips his head around immediately, his eyes blown wide. For a moment he could've sworn a person was standing farther down the walkway. He blinks and that figure is gone, but still, he calls out.

"Hello?" His voice bounces off the metal walls, reverberating loudly in his skull. Nothing responds, not that he should be surprised. It's long past midnight, no sane person would be out of their room at this hour. George takes in a breath and passes it off as nothing more than the ship shifting with the water, even if that had not happened at all since he had been aboard.

Now go read Spirit Box!!  I've worked really hard on it and am continuing to work hard on it so I would really appreciate it if you would check it out :) 

Bye bye for now (again lol)


- Yikes <3  

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