Chapter Seventeen: If Only Time Could Freeze

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George POV 

We both wake the next morning still tangled in each other's arms, but it's not awkward or tense, it's peaceful. Even though we are both awake, neither of us makes an effort to create space. There are no nerves, no embarrassment, no anxiety, just a warm feeling. It feels nice. Safe. 

It's a moment that I wish could be forever frozen in time. If everything else could just stop, and the two of us could continue living in this content space, I would be the happiest omega. 

Unfortunately, time is forever moving forward, and I know that soon this moment will end, and may possibly never be repeated. For now, I'll savor the next couple of seconds, soaking in every detail that is to occur. How the sun will bounce around the room, how the light breeze will make Clay's curtains move ever so slightly. How Clay's chest is pressed into mine, his head tucked into the crook of my neck, how his thumb light traces up and down my arm. How my arms are wrapped around him like he could flutter away in the blink of an eye. 

He shifts a little, moving his nose even closer into my neck. He takes in a breath, before sighing, content. I can't really blame him for trying to get every little amount of my scent as he can, I've done it to him countless times just within the last twelve hours. I wonder if he can even smell anything through the scent blockers I'm on. A memory fizzles into my mind at the thought. 

The alpha's words from last night bounce around my head. He could smell me, he said so himself, it's what drew him to me. But those were the words from a person who has no sense of right or wrong, could it really be that reliable? Could it hold any truth? 

I know I took my medication, I made sure to double-check and then check again. I also know my heat isn't near anytime soon. Then why? Why did he say what he did? Perhaps I need stronger blockers? But no one has ever complained of my scent being overbearing, or maybe it is and everyone is just too nice or too selfish to say anything. I don't understand. 

I huff out a sigh. Confusion and frustration seep into my once satisfied mood. Clay shifts a little underneath me, pulling out a hand from under our bodies. 

you ok? 

I feel a smile appear across my face as I squeeze him a little tighter. This is one of my favorites things that he does. He always checks in if something doesn't seem quite right, even if he knows the answer already. He never wants to just assume. It is kind of crazy, how in tune he is with his surroundings and the emotions of everyone around him. 

It sparks a new feeling in me that has never really been there outside of being with him. I feel– I feel seen. Truly seen for the first time with no other labels attached. No worrying over dumb dynamics and even dumber stereotypes. No assumptions that certain people are able to do something better than someone else just because of their secondary gender. 

Just someone that cares about me and cares enough to ask how I feel, not what I might be feeling. There's no pretending with Clay, and it's something I don't think I'll ever be able to explain to him with words just how special that is. 

"Yeah, I'm ok. Just thinking," I say, voice just above a whisper. I move one of my hands up into the curls of his golden hair, combing through the soft locks. Clay nods and snuggles back under my arms. I almost laugh at the action, the big alpha cuddling like a pup under the arms of his– an omega. Just an omega. 

Wouldn't that be something though; to have the privilege of being called his? 

An unknown amount of time passes by, neither of us saying anything else. I'm almost sure that Clay has lulled himself back to sleep. the tracing of his thumb stopped a little while ago, and his breaths became a little more evened out. My hand still cards through his hair, lightly massaging his scalp. 

Gently, I shake him a little in an attempt to pry him from his slumber. I feel him shift a little under me, a sign that he is somewhat awake. 

"C'mon, we gotta get up," I say softly. A hand barely raises itself from my chest. 


I let out a light giggle. "Yes, Clay it's almost noon. We can't be in bed all day, I need to get home."  

Clay lets out a sigh before rolling off of me, eyes still closed. I climb out of bed and gather my things from the night before. I carefully fold up my clothes before going back over to the sleeping alpha. I kneel down next to his side of the bed and grab his shoulder. 

"C'mon sleepy head you gotta drive me back remember?" I say with a little humor in my voice. Slowly, he peels one eye open, gives a soft smile, and then closes his eye again. 

Alright. I'm done being nice. 

I grab his shoulder again with both hands this time and a firmer grip than before. I begin to shake him a little more violently than before, "Get up Clay!" I shout.

His eyes shoot open and pushes my arms off of him. He sits up sluggishly, still not quite awake. I stand up, poorly trying to stifle a laugh, and start to walk over to my folded clothes in the corner of the room. As I leave I see him raise a hand to rub the unbruised side of his face, almost trying to wipe the exhaustion off of him. 

I leave the room and head to the bathroom to freshen up as much as possible without having anything to do so. When I re-enter the room, Clay is sat on the other side of the bed, in a new sweatshirt but still wearing the same sweatpants, and is tapping away on his phone. 

He glances up at me for a moment before returning his gaze back to his screen. It doesn't take him long to finish with that and put his phone in his pocket. 

That was Nick. Asking if we were ok. 

I can't help but cringe. "What did you say?" I ask. 

Said that we were fine, but needed to talk in person. I didn't want to say it over text.

I nod. That's probably the best answer we could give any of our friends, because for one, we are both ok, and two, there's no way everything that happened can fit in a text conversation. 

We both take the lapse in conversation as the invitation to head downstairs. It's Sunday, which means everyone in Clay's family should be home unless Claire went out with friends, which wouldn't be surprising because it's past noon? Shit, Mum is going to kill me. 


1189 words anyone still here? 

I'm sorry I know it's been a while but I finally managed to get something decent out

honestly, I've been pretty unmotivated to write recently which sucks, but I still want to finish this story, it might just take a while between chapters 

so, sorry again, hope this is ok - I hate some parts of this but whatever it's good enough

make sure to leave some yummy votes and comments pls if there's anyone left lmao

also thank you for 4k and 5k reads, I can't believe those both happened while I did nothing

bye bye ily <3 

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