CHAPTER 3: So Many Signs

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Days passed, and as each day passed I was falling for her more and more. I still do.

We talked about everything; food, clothes, music, movies, TV shows, books and love.

She told me that she fell in love before, but when she was 16, so she moved on from a long time. But it broke her heart; because it was one-sided love.

I took it upon myself that I wouldn't break her heart ever, but it turned out that I was the one who had his own heart broken. And till this day I don't regret anything that happened between us; I don't regret meeting her, holding her, kissing her and mostly I don't regret loving her. She was the best thing that happened to me and there will never be someone or something can be compared to her. I will never love someone as mush as I loved her, I still do and I will do till the day I die and after I die. I loved her too much that it was so hard to watch her go. I couldn't let her go, I still can't let her go and probably I'll never do.

I invited her to my house, so we could spend a day with each other. I loved being around her all the time.

"So, what do you study? You're in college, right?" I asked her while we were eating some snacks and watching 10 Things I Hate About You. She told me it was one of her favourite movies.

"I'm taking a break right now. I decided to take a break for a year. So I don't study now, but I want to study psychology." she answered without removing her eyes from the TV.

"Yeah. I got it." I whispered.

She looked at me with a smile on her face, "You're writing your album, right? So, did you write anything new?"

I smiled and nodded, "Yes. I wrote two songs. Don't worry I'll show you all of the songs, but after I finish writing them."

She rested her face on the backrest of the couch that we were sitting on. She looked so adorable, I wanted to kiss her so bad.

And before I could think, I leaned towards her, she was looking at me with a look that made me weak to my knees. She leaned more, until our noses were brushing against each other. I looked at her lips that I was dying to kiss from the first day I saw her, and then I looked at her eyes. Her eyes were like a maze that I couldn't skip from. I could hear her breathing, she was breathing so fast as me.

Without hesitation I grabbed her face between my palms and kissed her. I kissed her like my whole life depended on that kiss. She put her arms around my torso so she could bring me closer to her.

I was kissing her and the electricity was running through my body, I've never felt like that before.

I snaked my arms around her, she removed her arms from my torso and put them around my neck. She played with my hair and that was my weakness, I could get down on my knees just for her. I couldn't stop touching her everywhere, I couldn't get enough of her. I still can't get enough of her and I will never be able to.

We were so close to each other, I could feel her body on mine. Our lips were moving in a sync, my heart was beating so fast, I could hear it in my ears.

We broke the kiss with a pop sound. We were breathing so loudly, like we ran the marathon. I pressed my forehead on hers. She was closing her eyes and I couldn't stop looking at her with love. Yes, love; on that day I knew that I loved her. Specifically after the kiss, that kiss confirmed everything. It confirmed my feelings. From the start I knew that I would fall in love with her. I didn't care about not knowing her so well, I didn't care if she felt the same about me or not. I didn't care about anything, but her.

I fell in love so fast and without warning, just like when I fall asleep. When you try to fall asleep you can't, but when you don't plan on falling asleep, you fall so fast and without warning. And that's how love works, it works the same as falling asleep does; so fast and without warning when you don't plan on falling.

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