CHAPTER 12: I'm Coming Home

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Sorry for being so late <3

Life is full of plot twists that we will never expect them to happen at all, and that's okay because as we all know “the most beautiful things are the most unexpected” but what if the most unexpected thing is the worst thing and also the best thing? Because Rose is the most unexpected thing that happened to me ever. And she's also the most beautiful thing that happened to me in the worst way to happen.

She was the biggest plot twist, and what a plot twist she was. God! Sometimes I wonder how could she has that effect on me? How could she make me so weak? How could she make me the happiest man on earth and yet the most saddened man in the world?

But as she made me sad, I also cannot deny that she made me so fucking happy. I've never known that I can feel this amount of happiness.

I loved her… I love her so much I've never knew that I've had that so much love for someone. 

But, hey! you never knew what are you capable of, right? 

I released out of the hospital a few days later after I woke up from the coma I was in. And of course my mom, my sister and Daniel couldn't stop crying. Even though Daniel didn't really cry, but I saw the tears in his eyes. 

All of them asked me about where was my Rose and I didn't know what to tell them so I lied and told them that she traveled back to her country, Canada. And that she was waiting for me to go there for her. 

Of course that was a lie and I didn't know how did they even believed me? I mean, I didn't believe myself at all. But that's okay because I didn't want anyone to ask me about anything. And till I now I don't have answers and I will never have. 

After my health was totally and completely good, I told Daniel that I was going to Canada. He tried to know exactly why I wanted to go there besides that Ross was there, but I didn't give him any clear answers. 

I was sitting on the couch doing nothing but starring at the wall. There weren't any noises but the TV noises and I wasn't even paying any attention to whatever was playing on the TV. 

I mean… Can you blame me? How could I pay any attention to anything when the only thing that was taking all of my attention and all of my senses wasn't there anymore? 

God! She's not here anymore, but I can feel her love in the air surrounding me like an orbit that is keeping me safe and sound. 

After zoning out for a while, I grabbed my phone. I knew exactly what I wanted to do. 

I sent a message to Lena, Rose's friend. I guess you know now what I was going to do, right? 

I sent a message to Lena saying that I needed to talk to her about Rose. 

She didn't reply immediately, but eventually she did. 

“I'm sorry, but how do you know Rose?”  
She sent me this message. 

Oh God! How was I supposed to tell her? And even if I told her, would she understand or she would say that I'm crazy? 

I thought that maybe she could understand this supernatural thing or at least she believed in the supernatural. 

I huffed throwing the mobile on the couch beside me; I didn't know how to give her an answer that she would believe. 

God! Why did you make this so hard on me, Rose? Why are you still making it hard on me till now? 

When you love someone you're supposed not to hurt them, right? 

I grabbed my phone after I knew what I was going to tell her. 

“Ummm… It's a long story and I don't know if you have the time to hear it or not and I don't know if you're going to believe me or not…”

After a few minutes she replied back, “Try me.”

“Okay, but I think that it will be better if we talked about it face to face. You're still in Canada, right?” I asked her. 

“Yes. I am.”

“Well, that's good. I can travel to you and then we can talk. Is that okay with you?” 

“Yeah, that's totally okay with me. When are you going to be here?” 

“This week.”

Rose, I'm finally coming to your home. 


"Are you still not going to tell me why are you going to Canada?" Daniel asked me when we were at the airport waiting for my plan to Canada. 

"I told you, but you didn't want to believe me."

He starred at me like I was a crazy man, "You and me know damn well that wasn't the truth."

"Look, Daniel, Maybe I'm not telling the whole truth and trust me when I tell you that it's really killing me not to tell you the truth. But I guess it's better off this way. And when I'm ready to tell you I will." I finally told him half of the truth. 

He put his hand on my arm and squeezed it trying to make me feel okay and I was really grateful for him, but there wasn't anything was going to be okay and till now nothing is okay. 

"It's okay, Harry. And you know that I will always be here for you and I will always believe you no matter what."

Before I got a chance to answer him, we heard that my plan is going to leave soon. 

"Thank you, Daniel."

"You're more than welcome, Harry. And now go for your girl, I bet that she's waiting for you on fire, isn't she?" he joked.

I laughed waving goodbye to him. 

I couldn't bring myself to answer him and how I wished what he was saying was true. I imagined myself arriving to Canada to find out that she was waiting for me in the airport and when she will see me she will come running to my arms. And she would kiss me and I would kiss her like my life is depending on that kiss. I would tell her how much I love her and how much does she mean to me; because she means the whole fucking universe to me. 

I felt the tears in my eyes, God! I am so fucking pathetic. But, I cannot help it. I can't help being so in love with her and all I can do is just to sit there thinking about her every damn second of the day while falling in love with her over and over again. 

'Cause I can't help but keep on falling in love with her. And it's a cycle and all of us know that no one can break any cycle, once you get stuck in it you can't go out of it ever. 

I wish it was easier. I wish it was easier on me and you, Rose. 

We deserve a better ending than this. 

I didn't want to watch you go right in front of my eyes. 

I'm helpless and I know that you're helpless, too. 


So what do u think?

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