CHAPTER 7: I'm Not Okay

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Sorry for being late, but this chapter was a little hard to write. Anyway I hope you will like this chapter. Don't forget to vote, comment and share!


My luck in relationships and love was most of the time bad, but with Rose it was the best and the worst. I don't know how I can explain this, but it was something so bittersweet.

She hurt me and yet she made me happy.

It's crazy, isn't it? Like how could someone have the ability to make you happy and to hurt you at the same time? 

Life is crazy and love is crazy, too. 

3 more months passed and she still didn't tell me anything. I just needed to know the truth so I could be okay.

But now I'm not okay at all. I'm tired, I'm so tired. I miss her so much, I miss her so fucking much. It hurts and now I wish that I didn't know the truth.

"What's wrong, Harry?" 

I sighed, "I'm afraid, Daniel."

"Why?" Daniel asked. 

"I feel like Rose is going to leave me very soon. I don't know why I'm feeling like this, but I've been having dreams that I couldn't understand." I told him with a sigh. 

I was going insane whenever I thought about those dreams. 

I was scared. I was scared from the future, I was scared from fate. I was scared from everything. 

But what happened was something never came into my mind.

Life is just unfair, so fucking unfair and I hate it. 

"Talk with her, tell her how you feel. Communication is the key in any relationship, Harry." he told me with a serious tone.

I sighed, "I tried to talk with her, but she didn't want to tell me anything. She just said that when the time is right she would be able to tell me everything."

He patted my arm, "Then trust her and wait. I'm sure that she'll tell you everything."

"That's what I'm trying to do, Daniel. But I just have this gut feeling that whatever she's hiding will destroy me… I don't want my heart to be broken again. I'm tired of this shit."

He squeezed my arm, "I understand, but you can't do anything now. All you have to do is to wait and see, and let's hope whatever she's hiding is something good or not very horrible."

I nodded while looking at my hand, "Yeah, let's hope that."


I came back home at 3 am, I was drunk that I couldn't see anything clearly. I tried to go upstairs to our room so quietly so Rose wouldn't be disturbed by me from her sleep, but I guess I was wrong; I stumbled and I fell on my ass with a thud sound and I tried not to laugh but I couldn't handle my laughter so I started laughing so loudly. 

I heard footsteps from upstairs and after a while she was standing in front of me. She was standing in front of me and looking at me with that look of hers, that look that could heal every wound in my heart, that look that gave me hope. But I guess my hope couldn't stay forever, you know as they say; Everything beautiful comes to an end.

She kneeled in front of me and cupped my cheeks between the palms of her hands, I leaned into her warm touch. I was cold, I was cold and I needed her warmth to surround me like an ocean. 

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