CHAPTER 13: A Glimpse Of Her Pain

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TW: Mention of suicide

Well, I didn't know if I should love or hate Canada? Like it's the place where my love lived and it's also the place that she's buried there.

Seriously, I didn't know what to feel. But all I know is that I was feeling nostalgic. I was feeling nostalgic about something I didn't experience.

Maybe all of that was because of Rose; because I knew that she was there at some time.

Nervous, that's what I was feeling on the plane to Canada.

I don't know why I was feeling nervous, it's not like I was going to meet her family and then ask them for their blessing so I could marry Rose. It was never going to happen and I accepted that from a long time ago.

But here I am still wishing, hoping, dreaming of the life that I've painted in my mind to come true.

And I'm a fool who wants things that will never happen.


After my plane landed in Canada I went to the hotel that I was going to stay in.

I heard my phone ringing and it was a message from Lena, “Hey, did you land here?”

“Yeah, I've been in the hotel for an hour.”

“Good, tell me when you want to meet up.”

I gulped, “Actually, I would like to meet you right now if it's okay with you of course.”

“Okay then I'll send you the location of a café. Be there at 5.”

So I was actually doing this?


The café was small but very comfy, I don't know but I felt like I was at some sort of peace. I don't know what I was really feeling, but I was scared and I don't know why.

I was sitting on a table waiting for Lena to come, after a while I saw her searching for me with her eyes, I waved with my hand so she could see me.

She was wearing black from head to toe, you could tell from a mile that she was sad and I knew why.

"Hi, you're Harry right?" she asked with a small smile on her lips.

I stood from my seat and stretched my hand to greet her, "Yes, I am."

"Well, I'm Lena." She said after she shook my hand.

We settled in our seats, there was silence... So much silence and the silence was loud , I didn't know where to start and I could tell that she also didn't know what to say.

"So... How do you know Rose?" she said after she ordered a cup of coffee and I ordered a cup of tea.

I coughed to ease my nervousness, "Ummm, first of all do you believe in the supernatural? Because what I'm going to tell you right now is completely crazy and I won't be surprised if you don't believe me."

"I do."

I rubbed my face; I was so nervous. "Okay, would you believe me if I told you that I saw her. I saw Rose." I finally got the words out of my mouth.

Her face became pale like she just saw a ghost or something. She gulped before talking, "H-how? And what do you mean that you saw her?" she asked.

She was scared while looking at me, her eyes held a look that she knew exactly what I was talking about, but she was scared to admit it.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 21, 2023 ⏰

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