Chapter Five

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I was taught from a young age that there is no rock bottom. You just keep falling. "It can't get worse from here!" Is just something people say to comfort themselves even though they know that in can, in fact get much, much worse.

Sometimes it seems like my life is proof of that.

"Last day here before you can go home!" Elwin strode out of his office, where he had been sleeping for the week with a new tray of medicine.

I gave him my best attempt of a smile.

"Councilor Oralie said she wants to have a meeting with you tomorrow concerning a cache?"

Ugh. I really don't feel like meeting up with councilor pretty pants so soon, but unfortunately, I can't exactly decline a meeting with a councilor.

"Did she say when?"

"She said she wanted to meet at sunrise tomorrow, at the panakes tree." Elwin set down the tray next to me.

I down all them quickly, trying to not taste any of them.

"Edaline and Grady seemed exited for you to go back." Elwin has been bugging me about avoiding everyone. I know it's rude to push them away, but I really don't feel like talking to them.

Everyone has slowly stopped asking to visit, except for Fitz. Elwin tells me he wants to talk about something important. I'm guessing it's about our relationship and cognate exercises.

"Everyone's exited to see you, especially your boyfriend." He empathized "boyfriend" giving me a look.


Did I not tell him that we broke up a long time ago? Does Fitz think we're still together? I sure hope not. That would make our next conversation very awkward.

"Uhhh, me and Fitz aren't- ya know." I look down with my stupid blushing cheeks.

"Aren't what?"

Dang it Elwin. Take the hint!

"Together." I muttered.

Hold up. If Elwin didn't know that we broke up, did other people think we are still together? Ugh. I hate relationship drama.

"Oh, I'm sorry to hear that. Do you mind me asking why you two broke up?"

Because Fitz can't get his anger under control, I can't tell him who my biological mom is, I don't want to know who my biological dad is, which also means I'm unmatchable for life and even if I did find out who he is, I can't tell anyone because Oralie would get in serious trouble with the law and I can't expose her. Plus Fitz can't handle being with someone who's unmatchable because his precious reputation is more important than me apparently.

"We just thought we'd be better off as friends."

"Oh, well that's good, at least it wasn't a messy break up, we wouldn't want you guys to be in some kind of big fight." Elwin laughed and started to organize some elixirs on a self.

Right. That's exactly what we wouldn't want to happen. Okay yeah, it's time for a subject change.

"What time can I leave?"

"Around dinner time. I still want you in bed for the day but you can go back to Havenfield tonight for sleeping."

I sighed. My shoulder and leg were healing well. Elwin said I might be limping sometimes, but only for a little bit. My shoulder just felt sore, but that was pretty much it. They were both wrapped in bandages that would be coming off tomorrow.

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