23. By Cesarea's Blade

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"Many years ago, I was his mate. It is I, Koschei."

Your face fell, and your eyes widened a bit as you scrutinized the self-proclaimed death-lord, Koschei. It didn't look like he was armed, but then again, he didn't need to be; he was, after all, a death-lord.

As if sensing your anxiety, he raised his hands to show you his palms, his empty palms. "I don't want to hurt you."

"Really?" you found yourself asking. "Then explain Meurrick."

Koschei rolled his silver eyes with nothing but immortal grace. "Meurrick was a mindless fool." His feet flattened against the water's surface. "His sole purpose was to die by Cesarea's blade, and he did just that. I needed to know if it had indeed returned."

You scrunched your nose.

"I know," Koschei murmured, taking a few steps toward you. "The name 'Cesarea' sounds so familiar, doesn't it?"

You pulled yourself along the rock and soil ledge. "Stay back."

"Or what?" Koschei quirked a brow. "You'll kill me?"

So the death-lord had a sense of humor. Great.

Your wings dragged through the water, slowing you down. "I said stay back."

Koschei lifted a hand and then gestured lazily to the shore. You didn't have time to react before the lake water receded and then crashed into you. Your back hit the ledge so hard that you forgot how to breathe for a second. Azriel's panic seared through the bond, bright and hot.

Koschei crooned as you caught your breath. "I only want to talk."

You summoned a scythe of light, aiming for the death-lord, but it went clean through his body. Nothing.

"Again," he said, grabbing your wet face, "that wasn't very nice." He used magic to pin your wrists by your head. "Gods, how I've missed playing with High Lords. It's such a power trip." When his gaze dropped to your body, you covered yourself with light.

"Bastard," you spat, trying to bite his hand. "You—!"

In a blur, Koschei moved his hand to your neck and then squeezed. Hard. You froze, even as Azriel's rage burned through the bond. You didn't want him to see you like this, so you stifled it as much as possible.

"For now . . . I have no intention of killing you." Koschei looked at you down his nose. "But hurting you? I can hurt you all I want, (Y/n). In the grand scheme of things, what's a finger? An arm?" He released your neck and then trailed a finger between your breasts. Your light dissolved in its wake. "I apologize for your lack of clothing. Azur only used the portkey when he was eager, but clearly, you didn't come here for sex."

You suppressed the worst of your anger. "I didn't mean to come here at all."

"No, you didn't," Koschei said, voice contemplative and deep. His finger stopped just above your navel, making you shudder. "But here you are. A gift from . . . someone. A higher power . . . But certainly not the Mother."

You furrowed your brow in confusion.

Koschei pulled away from you, smiling wryly. "When I mentioned the greatsword's name, you recognized it. Why? Because it comes from the phrase 'cesarean section.' Because the phrase is derived from the Latin word 'caedare,' which means 'to cut.'"

You gasped out loud as you realized that— "So you are from my world. My universe."

Koschei curled his fingers in dry amusement. "Yes. Yes, I am . . . Now, tell me, how much has changed?"

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