44. No Man Is an Island

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It felt as if . . . someone was poking your cheek?

"M'lord? Are you awake, m'lord?"

You opened your eyes to Carnelia, who was crouching at the foot of your bed. She was wearing a white sundress and sandals, and her hair was in two braids.

"Ah, Carnelia," you said, clearing your throat. "Good morning . . . What time is it?"

She straightened and then put her hands on her hips. "It's eight, m'lord!" To your right, someone groaned. It sounded like Emerie. "Marko and Hal said they'd wake you up, but I wanted to! So good morning, m'lord!"

Emerie groaned louder and then covered her ears with pillows.

"Thank you, Carnelia," you said, sitting up slowly. "You're a pleasant surprise."

"I'm glad," Carnelia said with a big grin.

You yawned as you sat on the edge of the bed and then stretched. Nesta and Gwyn were still sleeping on the settees, covered in the furs they'd opened and organized last night. You smiled at the memory and then yawned again.

"Tired, m'lord?"

Emerie laughed sharply from underneath the pillows. You shoved her with a wing but held Carnelia's cheerful gaze.

"Yes, Carnelia, I'm tired, but I'm not surprised, and I'll be fine." You gestured to Carnelia's outfit. "You look very cute today."

She giggled and spun around to show off her dress, and her wings fluttered. "Thank you! Mr. Hal did my braids!"

You smirked. "Really? That was very nice of Mr. Hal. Did you thank him?"

Carnelia nodded enthusiastically, eyes still bright. "Yes, m'lord, of course!"

You were about to ask where Marko and Hal were when there was a knock at your door.

You stood, fixing your silk slip. "Come in!"

Marko entered, looking around, and then noticed Carnelia. He grinned slowly and pointed at her. "You, young lady, are not supposed to be in here! I should've known you were up to no good when you woke up with us."

Carnelia snickered and ran at him. Marko must've thought she wanted a hug, but she ducked under his left arm and wing — and then kept running. The warrior guffawed, whirling around, but she was already gone.

Hal entered but watched Carnelia run away. "I told you she was up to no good."

You stretched again. "So, what's up? I know I have a meeting, but when?"

Hal tilted his hand back and forth. "In two hours, give or take. We just wanted to wake you up for the servants. They're bringing breakfast for three."

"Oh, good. I'm starving," Gwyn said, sitting up. A couple furs slid off her as she yawned and stretched. She threw one at Nesta. "Come on, Nes, wake up. We're wasting daylight."

Emerie groaned again. "We have nowhere to be, Gwyn."

"I want to spend the day teaching Nesta what we learned on the continent," Gwyn said. "That, and . . . I don't want to get in (Y/n)'s way."

You snorted. "Oh, don't worry, you won't." And then — you had an epiphany. "Wait, why don't you guys join me?"

Nesta sat up, blinking against the faelights. "To your meeting?"

You hummed in agreement.

Emerie sat up behind you. "Like, as your advisors?"

"Sure, why not?" You shrugged. "If not, I'm sure I'll drown in testosterone. A female's perspective would be like a breath of fresh air." You wiggled your fingers for effect.

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