25. The Perfect Storm

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To finish your look, you put on a thin silver necklace. As you clasped it, you drifted toward the wall of windows in your room. You observed the legion of storm clouds as they rolled in from the east. Something about the sudden change in weather made you nervous, but you figured you were just paranoid.


You blinked, turning around. "Feyre? Come in."

She opened your door with a tentative smile, about to ask something, but Nyx, who was on her back in a baby sling, cut her off with an excited squeal. Feyre giggled as she reached over her shoulder, letting Nyx teeth on her fingers. He blinked his cute big gray eyes at you as he hummed.

"Are you excited to see (Y/n)?" Feyre asked. Nyx nodded enthusiastically, wings flapping.

You grinned. "Come on in. Sit on the bed. I just need to put on some shoes." As you padded over to your walk-in closet, Feyre sat on the ottoman at the foot of your bed. "Anyway, what's up? I wasn't expecting you."

"Oh, I just wanted to drop by," Feyre said with a tiny shrug. "See how you were doing. That sort of stuff."

"Ah . . ." You trailed off as you sorted through the shoes that Feyre had gotten you a few days ago. "Well, I'm doing just—"

Someone else knocked on your door. You grabbed a pair of low black leather heels and then leaned out of your closet. "Hello? Who is it?"


"Oh, come in." You leaned against the archway as you slipped your heels on. Immediately, Nesta hurried inside and then shut the door. She started forward — but stopped short when she saw her sister.

"Not you," Nesta groaned. "And Nyx? Feyre, I came here for an adult conversation."

Feyre rolled her eyes. "So did I, believe it or not."

Once your other heel was on, you narrowed your eyes at the Archeron sisters, trying not to grin — and failing. "Wait a minute . . . Is this about—?"

"Yes, it's about Azriel," Nesta said, crossing your room. The skirts of her crimson gossamer dress floated in the air as she jumped on your bed. As she sat up, she gave you a sly look and then asked, "Did you think no one would hear your passionate coupling?"

You felt feverish, but you weren't as embarrassed as you thought you'd be. "Were we really that loud?"

Nesta rolled her eyes with a sharp laugh. "Were you loud? (Y/n). Cassian and I had to leave and then come back. Once you were done, of course."

You couldn't help it — you burst out laughing. "Oh . . . Wow. I'm sorry?"

"Don't apologize," Nesta said, eyes bright. "But tell me, how was it?"

Feyre shot you a shamelessly curious look.

At this point, you were grinning like a fool. "It was . . . It was fun."

Nesta groaned again. "You know what? We'll continue this conversation later. When you can tell me everything in explicit detail. Unless you don't want to, of course, but I . . . I am curious about one thing." You gestured for her to continue. "Did you make him crawl?"

You blinked, confused. "As in, beg? Did I make him beg?" Feyre's and Nesta's brows shot up. You turned to your vanity but gave the Archeron sisters a playful look over your shoulder. "Not this time, but . . . It'll happen. Eventually."

Feyre's cheeked burned. As Nesta teased her sister, a small voice in the back of your head echoed, Eventually?

Eventually, you'd make Azriel crawl.

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