55. Secrets

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Hello! Just going to preface this with my frustration. Did I get to Y/n's world? Fuck no. Do I resent myself for it? Yes. I always want DL to be a stress-free project for me, and it still is, but I just need to stop making promises about the plot? It's less like promises and more like, I don't know — I just get excited talking to you guys about future events in DL, and I don't ever want to make it seem like I'm teasing you when, in reality, I just didn't get done what needed to be done today. I'm not really sure what the point of this paragraph is, but I hope you enjoy this chapter and understand what I'm trying to say. Much love, as always, Casse.


When you awoke to oppressive heat and humidity, you inhaled deeply and oriented yourself. You propped yourself up and then rolled over, ignoring your sweaty, naked body.

"Az?" you called out through a yawn. "Where are you?" You started to get out of bed but stopped short when you heard someone on your balcony. You narrowed your eyes as you looked past the small indoor pool, but because your field of vision was limited from where you were sitting, you got up and put on a blue silk robe.

You held it up to cross the pool, and when you were standing on the other side, dripping water on the warm stone balcony, you let the fabric fall back into place.

You looked past the seating area and saw the tips of his wings. "What're you . . ?" When you walked around the couches, you discovered a steep, overgrown staircase that led to another, more private balcony below.

Waves crashed, and insects buzzed. You leaned over the railing to watch Azriel train by himself. Because he was only wearing loose black cotton shorts, you had an unobstructed view of the rest of his body, which was covered in a fine sheen of sweat. He grunted as he went through a series of steps, feigns, and lunges, wielding his knives. One of them was Truth-Teller, and its curves reminded you of his shadows.

He'd told you about the obsidian-hilted hunting knife last night after he'd put it under his pillow. Probably because you'd been giving him a weird look.

When Truth-Teller caught the light, it blinded you for a second.

You winced and made a little sound of irritation, but it was enough to grab Azriel's attention. He swiveled around, panting, his yellow-green eyes bright. It only took a second for him to find your gaze, and when he did, he licked his lips, grinned lopsidedly, and then wiped the sweat from his brow.

You were a little embarrassed that you'd been caught staring, but you fought a guilty smile, lips twisting until you finally gave up and just . . . grinned.

You were grinning like a fool.

Only for Azriel.

"Good morning." You straightened and fixed your robe as you continued to look down at Azriel. A sudden thought occurred to you, making your heart skip a beat—

Azriel cocked his head as he picked up his scabbards and then sheathed his knives. "Who're Romeo and Juliet?"

"It's a play," you said lightly, waving a hand. "Romeo and Juliet are star-crossed lovers."

Azriel raised a brow. "Oh?"

"There's this . . . balcony scene," you continued, still holding his glittering gaze. "Romeo waxes poetic about Juliet's beauty. He compares her to a summer's day or something. And the sun, too, I think."

Azriel snorted as he flew up to you. "A summer's day?"

You found yourself smirking, curious. "What? What's so funny about that?"

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