Chapter 1

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The smell of marigold's breathed the air as the entire place was wrapped in the essence of these orange flowers paired with colorful fairylights lightening the place, shining on the guests who arrived with smiles on their face and prayers on their...

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The smell of marigold's breathed the air as the entire place was wrapped in the essence of these orange flowers paired with colorful fairylights lightening the place, shining on the guests who arrived with smiles on their face and prayers on their tongue for the soon-to-be married couple.

It was a night full of happiness, joy danced in the eyes for every person that entered the gates of the fairly large house. Bubbles of laughter of the children that ran behind each other and the constant chattering of women assembled in groups along with few family men that helped the workers in decorating the place. Everything about that night was beautiful and reflected Joy but if you see closer, you would see a heart shattering slowly, with each smile that was casted on him, he broke down a little. He felt as if the walls were closing on his heart, choking him, sadness blanketed him like the stars that embraced the night sky.

But he couldn't cry

Not now atleast, where his presence was needed, where he had to have a happy face and a good posture to welcome the guests with the same smile, though forced, he tried his best. He was used to it by now, yet he didn't understand why it was happening to him.

What was his mistake?

Perhaps when you love you're signing off your heart to get hurt, get betrayed, selling yourself to pain and agony.

The loud chattering of the guests died down and everyone gasped out of admiration, Tahir was captivated, a love struck eyes focusing on the soon-to-be bride descending down the stairs with her sisters on either side of her.

A heavy embroidered yellow dress adored her dainty figure, the brown locks of her hair falling over her shoulders, her hands adorned with thick bangles and her face a shade of red.

She looked ethreal

The small smile on his lips soon turned into a frown when the only girl he had ever loved was made to sit beside another man.

Ah yes! She was never his

And when he realized that the shy smile that played on her lips wasn't meant for him, he broke a little more.


'Tahir!' the loud and boisterous voice of his uncle brought him out of his saddened reverie and for the moment he decided to forget about his hurting heart. Wiping away the little 'Dust' from his eyes he turned to his uncle with a smile.

'Jee Sahil Mamu?' his uncle was a loud personality that spoke with pride and dignity. Though his uncle worked as a middle class man he carried himself no less than a rich man. He was tall, dark with a tummy that reflected his age and black dyed hair- if the few strands standing on his scalp was considered as such- people both admired and despised his personality and at the end of the day His Mamu was a kind hearted and Tahir found no reason to contempt his only Mamu.

'Beta, Laiba's flight will be landing in a few hours can you fetch her for me?'

'Jee mamu you don't have to ask' it's not that he can deny his mamu, moreover it would be a good chance for Tahir to get away from the blissful occasion that was giving him nothing more than pain, even if it meant for a few hours.


'Bhayya! Tahir Bhayya' a familiar voice came running towards him, stopping him from leaving sooner so that he would reach the airport on time. And this wasn't the first time he was being stopped in his way out so now he was annoyed, irritation reaching his mind.

'Kya Hai Aliha?' he asked his little cousin, annoyance laced beneath his words

'Bhayya! Take me with you, I want to go fetch my sister as well' and wouldn't He be a cruel cousin if he denied the round puppy eyes and the pleading glim in the eyes of the little spawn of shaitaan? And before he could say yes another voice interrupted him,

'Bhayya Bhayya Take me too' and then there was his little spawn of shaitaan, his little brother who looked like he has chased a hundred miles after Aliha and just by the way they were both breathing Tahir understood that the two partners in crime were not going to leave him if he doesn't agree with them.

'Okay okay fine!' he raised his voice which only earned him a giggle from the two kids, he glared at them, 'If you won't hurry up I'm leaving you both' he pointed a finger at them and within a blink of an eye they were already standing in front of him with their shoes on. Tahir sighed.

This day is tiring me already


Assalamualaikum beautiful readers!

So this lazy writer of yours is back with another story in hope you'll like it as much as my previous works. I've been writing this book for a while now, but wanted to publish once I complete writing the book.

Though the book isn't complete yet, I published this chapter as a birthday gift for my friend. I'm not very good at giving gifts so I was contemplating a bit, then I read somewhere on internet, that a best gift is which reflects your effort and love. Writing is the best thing I can do also this friend of mine love my writings so I thought what could be better than publishing this book!

I first spoiled about the book to them, and since then they've been quite excited though I wasn't going to publish it until I complete it. But guess everything has its own timings!

I won't ghost you for a long time and the next chapter would be released on next Sunday INSHAALLAH ❤️

I'm really looking forward to connecting with you once again on this book and reading your thoughts on my characters so please don't hesitate to comment your thoughts and ideas about the story and its people I'll do my best and reply to you all, let's have a good talk!!


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