Chapter 8

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'What a good day' Laiba smiled to herself, drawing the curtains of her small studio room open to let the morning sunlight in

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'What a good day' Laiba smiled to herself, drawing the curtains of her small studio room open to let the morning sunlight in. It had been a week since she arrived to California and had to go to work from the very next day. Despite being on a tight schedule she woke up with a bright mood, feeling positivity flood within her.

After completing her breakfast she dressed herself for work and decided to message Taahir, who had an interview today

Good morning ☀️
All the best for today
Don't be nervous
Have a nice day!

Without waiting for a reply she left her room and boarded a bus to her destination. When she reached Ianic, a gaming company she worked as a financial manager in, before going into her cubical she stopped by the cafeteria to grab a cup of coffee.

'Assalaamualaikum' she smiled at Hiba who had her nose buried in the computer

Lifting her head she smiled back 'Walaikumassalaam, Laiba can you look into last month's records, while I cover these' she pointed towards the pile of files on her desk

'Sure' it took her an hour to go through the files, making sure she doesn't miss even the slightest of details because her boss was a man of temper and wanted everything to be perfect.

'Hey Laiba' a blonde girl peeked through the door to check if the said girl was present before pushing it wide open and sauntered towards her wearing a plaid black pencil skirt a white shirt and a black blazer with a pair of stilettos. A cheshire grin adorning her red lips and almond eyes glinting with what Laiba can describe as mischief or trouble.

'Hey Rose, what's the tea?' Roseanne draped her arm around her shoulder and leaned in, 'Mr Boss wants to see you' Laiba rolled her eyes at the wink that was thrown her way, 'Did he tell you why?' since Laiba was incharge of the finance department, she was often called to the Ceo's office

'Remember Audrey quit as the visual creator last month?  Boss has recruited a new hottie and wants you to give him the tour of our humble abode' Laiba giggled at her choice of words to describe their fairly large and spacious company.

'Stop simping over your colleagues for once'  Hiba taunted, thin lips curving into a sneer, her button nose scrunched comically as if humouring her colleague

'how about you mind your own business miss my nose always stays buried in the computer'

Not wanting to get in between the usual banter between her two friends, Laiba made a bee line towards the exit and to the  elavator, pressing on the highest floor where only the CEO had his separate space. The silence in the floor often made Laiba highly alert of her surroundings. She heard her boss's boisterous laugh and an oddly familiar voice as she neared the office.

'you called for me Ian?' Two heads snapped in her direction when she peeked through the door after a knock. One was of her Boss Ian who's eyes immediately lit up with  upon her arrival, lips that were usually in a sneer curved into a toothed smile. 'Ah yes Laiba please come in and meet Taahir, he's going to be working in the visual creative department starting today' that is when her eyes landed on the familiar brown ones staring back at her with the same surprised expression before they turned into a hard stare surprising Laiba even further.

'Hello Laiba, I look forward to working with you' she shook the hand that came towards her, merely touching it before it disappeared, 'please take care of me'

Another laugh resonated in the office, 'No Mr Taahir, Laiba works at the financial department, she's here only to give you a tour of the office and work place'

'As much as I'm honored you want me to show him around isn't it the job of your secretary?'  Laiba's only work was to sit before the computer and go through all the revenues of their company, this wasn't what she does

Ian snorted before replying, 'She already got the hots for Taahir and if she were to show him around, she would flirt with him all day instead of doing her work' it wasn't new for anyone that Rose was rather a playful women, even girls weren't save from her charms but at the end of the day it was harmless flirting.

'It's not good to snitch about your own secretary, Ian' her voice was light, a hint of humor lacing it. It wasn't a surprise to anyone that Ian was usually a cool boss with a carefree attitude until you did something to mess up with his work. He was young, about 30, a tall man with broad shoulders that were usually covered in Tailored suits, slender legs wrapped in black slack, a Rolex and a pair of Chelsea boots to give him an overall rich vibe. Despite the obvious status Laiba loved how down to earth her boss is but when it came to work he was a man of principles and never risked anything to jeopardize the company he built on his own.

When Laiba was newly appointed she couldn't think straight in his presence, too distracted with the dimples on his cheeks or the dark eyes to form correct sentences. Thanks to his friendly persona it didn't take her much time to get over her little crush on the dark haired CEO. And well now that she's married any crush of hers has become invalid.

The thought about marriage brought her back to the current situation, as she walked towards the elevator with Taahir right behind her, a thick layer of silence blanketing them. As soon as the doors of the elevator closed Taahir spoke in a stiff voice, 'Let's not talk about our marriage to anyone here'

Looking at a slightly startled and pained expression of Laiba he quickly added, 'I don't want anyone especially Ian sir to know that we are related. I don't want my colleagues having an illusion that I got this job of you'

'Why would they think that when it's not true?'

Before he could answer her the elevator dinged open, a couple employees already waiting outside so clearing the way for them, Laiba stepped out asking Taahir to follow her. Age masked her disappointed expressions and the little tug of pain on her heart with her usual working mode. Turning into a corridor she entered a cubicle and greeted her collgues.

'Shaam meet Taahir, Taahir, Shaam' she pointed towards the man wearing a blue shirt tucked into a pair of grey pants, after they did a little handshake she proceeded to explain, 'Shaam here is the head of the visuals department so he will guide you through your work'

'Nice to have you on board buddy' Shaam gave the tensed man a hug and a few pats on his back asking him to loosen up.

'Pleasures all mine' Tahir bowed a little

'don't bother him with your sad jokes Shaam and Taahir I will meet you at lunch till then he is your mentor' with a heavy feeling in her heart she walked back to her desk.

'okay then Mr Taahir, Let's get to know each other first before we dive into our work'


Assalaamualaikum beautiful readers!

I know I promised I would complete writing the book by 16th but my wishes went unheard, with the amount of assignments I got last week it was hard for me to concentrate on anything else.

College starts tomorrow so I'm not sure when the next update will be, I will try my best to push writing into the busy schedule I would be having.

So pray that I survive offline college


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