Chapter 13

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In case you all wondering what I do in my clinical postings this is what I do, I write love stories for wattpad instead of assessing patients

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In case you all wondering what I do in my clinical postings this is what I do, I write love stories for wattpad instead of assessing patients

'What if I don't want you to go?' Taahir's words repeated like a broken record in Laiba's head. Everytime her thoughts ran back to their conversation in the ice-cream shop, something about that simple sentence made her heartbeat become erratic and her mind a mess of emotions. Taahir's eyes swirled with emotions that she couldn't give meaning to but she was sure of one thing now, she didn't wanted to leave. Not when there was a reason for her to stay and she vowed to herself that she'll stay content with her present and won't worry herself with the thoughts of what if she had taken the opportunity so the next day when she walked into Ian's cabin her answer had been short but final.

She didn't wanted to leave, she wanted to stay

Ian was disappointed at first but as he promised he hadn't forced her to give an alternate answer. 'The project doesn't start until mid-Feb' he made her known, 'So till then if you change your mind let me know' Laiba was certain that her decision was final and though she had given upon one of her dreams it was for the sake of love, and weren't people supposed to do major sacrifices for their loved ones? As for her it was merely a simple dream, one she could give up with no regrets.

Taahir was happy when laiba had disclosed him or her decision but deep down he also felt bad for being the main reason why Laiba had rejected  a life changing opportunity so to compensate he promised he would take her out on a date during the weekend

So here she was, standing in front of her wardrobe, searching for a proper outfit. Normally she would know what to wear pertaining to the place she was to visit but the problem here was that Taahir refused to share any details with her not even which place he would take her to.

'Just wear something casual' he has said when she whined about having to choose an appropriate dress. What if he brought her to a high class restaurant and she's dressed in her slacks and a pullover? 'Taahir told to dress casual so I should stop over thinking everything' agreeing to her thoughts Laiba starts to rammage through the pile of dresses mounted on the shelves of her makeshift cupboard to find an outfit that would go with the word 'Casual'. It took her nearly an hour to get ready, her choice for the day included a white maxi dress with prints of red roses and matched it with the same shade of red Hijab.

Taahir had surprised her by being on time, 'Please wait for me in the hall while I wind up I don't want to postpone them for tomorrow in case we return late'

'It's okay we still have more than an hour'

Smiling Laiba lead him to the couch at the end of her studio room, 'Would you like a cup of coffee while you wait?'

'Thanks but I think I'm good' nodding to him Laiba went back to the kitchen to finish with the remaining of the cutlery.


They were currently in a park and the sight jn front of Laiba was of a basket and a red square mat spread across the empty space in front of a huge banyan tree,

'Did you prepare all this?' She asked once they had settled themselves on the mat. Taahir started to arrange the contents of the basket that included plastic cutlery, snacks of different kinds and a huge can of coke on the mat.

Flushing with a little embrassment Taahir answered with a nod, 'I'm not good at stuff like this so I did a little research on internet. Do you not like it?' his eyes darted from the cuffs of his green polo shirt to the girl sitting across her, anxiety starting to stir in him with the thoughts of never been capable enough to please others and always ending up being a disappointment. Before more thoughts could swallow his mind Laiba answered with a grin, 'Like it? I LOVE IT!' she exaclmied, 'Now tell me is it really your first time planning a date because only pros can pull these off'

'No' Taahir stated, 'I've never taken anyone to a park date before' because the only women who have had his heart never turely enjoyed such locations. For Maheen and ideal date was to try out different cuisines in five star restaurants and though it didn't fit well with Taahir's financial status he had tried his best. When it came to his and Maheen's romantic outings it was always what Maheen preferred, where she wanted to go, what she wanted to eat, what she wanted to do and never once was Taahir asked of his opinion because his ultimate aim was to make her happy. But the truth was no matter what he did, Maheen was never been happy.

And it felt like he was stuck in a one sided relationship, that his love wasn't requited and all of his thoughts turned out to be true.

'I've never tried a blueberry cheesecake before' Laiba interrupted his thoughts, picking up the blue pastry covered in the plastic container before opening its lid and scooping the pastry with her tiny plastic spoon. Her eyes widened upon tasting the elixir, 'Damn it tastes as good as it looks' Taahir smiled at her reaction and proceeded to pour the coke from the can into two rhermacole cups and handed one to Laiba.

'Try this and tell me how it is, I made it' He handed a chocolate donut to Laiba and waited for her approval as she takes a bite

'I'm so tempted to swear right now because this tastes like heaven! I didn't knew that you can cook'

'Baking' Tahir corrected, 'I enjoy baking a lot but cooking has never been my cup of tea'

Laiba took another donut from the box because they actually did taste good like the ones from kriapy kremes, and she vowed that instead of buying she would ask Taahir to bake for her.

'What else are you talented in?'

'Painting' Taahir exclaimed immediately, his eyes sparkling with the thoughts that someone has, for the first time, shown interest to ask his interestes, 'I love painting'

'Interesting' Laiba smiled, 'I would love to see your paintings sometimes, if you're okay with that'

'You want to see my paintings?' Laiba almost cooed at the cuteness a surprised Taahir exhibited. She could clearly see his love for painting with the way his eyes shined with excitement, 'I would love to, what type of paintings do you usually do?'

'I'm good with portraits'

'Like of people?'

Taahir smiled, 'Yes portraits of people'

'That's so cool' as if being call upon  the wind rushed past them, rustling through Laiba's dress and making her shiver with the sudden cold, 'I would've brought my jacket if I knew it's going to be this cold'

'I didn't bring mine either or else I would've lend it to you'  Laiba shivered again, rubbing her hands together to try to produce some warmth in her body she hugged herself, 'I would've asked us to return to our dorms but I don't want to end our date so soon'

The tone of her words that were laced with sadness made Taahir feel bad, 'turn your back to me' he addressed to Laiba, though puzzled she did as told and once she was facing the other side a sudden blanket of warmth engulfed her. Taahir wrapped his arms around her and pulled her closer, 'Is this okay?' he asked once they were settled In a comfortable position with Tahir spooning Laiba.

'Don't be so nice to me Taahir' she breathed, 'I will fall in love'


I wanted to do a double update today as it's my birthday but the day has been so busy, the next chapter is half done but I'm so tried today to write further so expect the next update by tomorrow or Sunday!

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