Chapter 12

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I had planned to publish this chapter tomorrow since it's not profread yet and there's possibility of errors since I've had a busy evening and I've got like two minutes to myself so here's an update!

I had planned to publish this chapter tomorrow since it's not profread yet and there's possibility of errors since I've had a busy evening and I've got like two minutes to myself so here's an update!

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Intuitions weren't always right, Laiba knew that, she knew that trusting one's own gut feeling can lead to disasters if it ends up being a lie. Laiba knew better than to be swayed by such feeling but when her sister Zeba disclosed to her that Maheen and Muneeb were visiting California for their holidays.

Even though it shouldn't matter to Laiba about her cousin's honeymoon plans, her heart was expressing a different emotion, sending alert signals to her mind, a warning to be careful it the storm that was on its way towards her.

Laiba turned her attention towards making breakfast as a distraction from the negative thoughts clouding her mind. Since it was a working day she had to do her chores hurriedly before getting ready and when she was done she waited for Tahir as they would be renting  a car to their workplace.

When they arrived and had to part their ways to reach their respective departments Tahir stopped her, 'Let's have lunch together if you're done with your work early'

Laiba smiled, 'In Shaa Allah I'll message you once I'm done' after bidding him goodbye she went through her emails and checked for any updates on the company's stocks, just worked for an hour after which Roseanne stritted in and informed her that Ian wanted to see her. Ignoring the teasing eyes that always seemed to appear whenever Rose took her and Ian's name in the same sentence she excused herself and walked the familiar path towards the Ceo's office.

'Laiba! Please come in and have a seat' Ian's taut Jaw that often stayed whenever he was too consumed in his work  contoured into a full blown smile upon Laiba's arrival. Once she was seated he cleared his throat and spoke in a calm voice, one that was laced with hint of excitement

'Laiba do you remember the Paris deal we sealed last month?'

'The one with Mr Olivier?'

Ian's eyes gleamed, 'Yes that one, Olivier and his team were quite impressed with how our deal worked out previously so he wanted an extension on our periodic partnership'

As far as Laiba remembered the deal with the French company wasn't an easy one as their Ceo was quite skeptical about making a partnership with Americans but after a little struggle accompanied with their need to enter into American markets made them give in and hearing now that they desire for another project together was a surprise to her.

'That's a great news, our company sales has skyrocketed since it's entry in the French market so another project with Delphine would add on to our list of achievements' Ian nodded in agreement, his eyes shrinked resembling a crescent moon as the smile on his face stretched wider, amusement and adoration was clearly written on his face at watching his employee speak so well in regards to his company.

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