Chapter 10

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I was supposed to update this chapter yesterday but I was very busy and will be for the next coming days so updates will be late than usual

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I was supposed to update this chapter yesterday but I was very busy and will be for the next coming days so updates will be late than usual

Laiba fidgeted anxiously, spacing back and forth in front of Tahir's condo. The previous night she waited for a message from him but received none, he did not even reply to the messages where she wished him luck before his interview at Ianic. She stood there for few minutes contemplating whether to ring the bell or simply turn back on her heels and leave.

'You're no coward Laiba' she gave herself a small pep talk before standing in front of the door, her right hand coming out to knock on it when the door opened suddenly revealing a well dressed Tahir in a white formal shirt and a pair of blue denims. 'I was waiting for you to ring the bell' when Laiba didn't answer he asked again 'Are those flowers for me?' since Laiba was too busy staring at him she didn't realize what she was supposed to do, everything she had practiced the previous night long forgotten because of a very handsome looking husband of hers. Tahir's question brought her out of her daydreams she glanced at him in confusion, then followed his eyes that landed on a bouquet of pink roses she held, after realizing she snapped out of the daze, cheeks reddened with embarrassment

'Uh- oh this! Yes they're for you' she cleared her throat, giving the flowers to a very puzzled Tahir who seemed too lost for his own good.

'Don't you like it?' she asked hesitantly

Shaking his head he smiled at her, 'No please I love it but I'm a bit embarrassed' he confessed

'Why is that?'

'as a man it's expected of me to ask you out for our first date and bring you pretty flowers but looks like our roles are reversed here' he laughed nervously before continuing, 'it's also embarrassing that I low-key am enjoying this'

Laiba grinned widely loving the way how his cheeks and the tip of his ears were burning red, blushing made Tahir look ten times more attractive to her.

'I guess we are perfect then, I don't like receiving flowers or any of those cheesy stuff so don't bother yourself over that matter as for your confession that you like stuff like this I'll make sure to pamper you a lot'

'now come on before we get late and miss the bus'


'Do you regularly board a bus to work?' Tahir asked as they entered the bus making their way into the only empty seat at the back when their way got blocked by a young boy

'Look who's here, I thought I would've to miss you today since it's Sunday' Laiba groaned at the mere sight of her everyday bully, 'Luca not today' she tried walking past him but the boy caught her hand pulling her closer almost immediately he was pushed away, Luca went stumbling back a few steps before regaining his posture and glaring at Tahir who mimicked his angry expression.

'what's your problem man?' luca stepped closer to him, his body contoured into a challenging posture

Tahir stood straight and glared back at the younger boy 'You're touching my girl without her permission and asking me what's my problem?' Laiba's lips that were starched into an ugly sneer curved into a smile his words but the same couldn't be said about Luca.

'My girl?' he snorted and turned to face Laiba, 'You got yourself a boyfriend? Someone that isn't me?' his hand came forward to touch her face but she slapped it away, her eyes widened into a menacing stare, 'I'm very tempted to report you to the police the only thing stopping me is that you're still a schoolboy and I don't want your life to get ruined but now you're asking for it' Luca laughed maniacally, his eyes darkening making him look like a psychopath

He leened closer to her and whispered, 'Try all you want, nothing is going to stop me from perusing you not even this boyfriend of yours' he eyes raked over Tahir once before a hand came landing on his face, making him collide against the metal stand before falling. Surprised gasps erupted inside the bus and the vehicle came to a halt.

Tahir leered over his lying figure and grabbed his collar, 'Touch or bother her one more time and I'll make sure you will see hell' he gave Luca who was bleeding from nose a last threatening look before grabbing hold of Laiba's hand and exiting the bus.

'We missed our bus to the amusements part' Tahir turned to look at a pouting Laiba, a rare sight that almost made him forget his anger

'After all that happened that's what you're worried about?' when Laiba tried to speak he interrupted her, 'Forget about that and tell me since when has he been troubling you? And why have you not made any complaints yet? And don't give me the excuse that you didn't want to ruin his life I believe you're smarter than that'

Seeing Tahir be all worked up and worried made her feel guilty, she lowered her head before replying, 'it's been a year, he knows my office timings and always boards the bus knowing I'll be there. Initially I used to rent a cab but the drivers aren't any better. I did report him to the police not once but twice, and they refuse to believe me because I'm a brown Muslim women'

Laiba sniffed, trying to hold back her tears but those tears soon turned into a smile when she felt hands pulling her into an embrace

'I'm sorry you've to go through all that, now that I'm here I'll always accompany you to the office' laiba smiled against his chest, wrapping her hands around his torso for a short while before pulling away, 'look at you being my knight in white polo'

Tahir let out a laugh, 'Isn't that supposed to be knight in shining Armour?'

'Oh you ain't no wearing an Armour so my initial phase is correct'

'I cannot argue with you' Tahir shook his head, 'what do you want to do now that our ride to the park is no longer available do you want to go back or do you wish to stick to the original plan?'

Laiba hooked her arm with his and dragged him towards a white cab waiting for passengers a few feet away from them 'I'm not letting a mere school going boy ruin our very first date'


Lucas's scene kinda gave me second hand embarrassment when writing but it was needed for the story

Thoughts on this story and Tahir so far?

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