Chapter 16

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Today's tmi ia that I wrote this chapter during my pediatrics class because the lecturer was speaking so low that I couldn't hear him from where I was sitting

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Today's tmi ia that I wrote this chapter during my pediatrics class because the lecturer was speaking so low that I couldn't hear him from where I was sitting. So instead of wasting the time by day dreaming I thought to be productive and write this chapter I've been dying to write.

Upon hearing the glass shattering, Taahir's eyes snapped towards the source of the sound, they widen with surprise as guilt washes all over him when he spots Laiba standing by the door. Her skin looked pale and body trembling when his gaze met with her teary ones.

Taahir leaped on his feet to chase after Laiba as she storms out of the room after aggressively wiping off her tears, 'Laiba please wait!' he calls her out a couple times but she turns a deaf ear to him. All she could hear was the cracks forming in her heart as the chambers withered like the autumn leaves, ready to get crumbled beneath passing feet. Like their fall, their story was merely an aesthetic for others amusement.

'Laiba please give me a chance to explain' he catches her wrist and tries to pull her to stop as they pass by the kitchen counter. Out of reflex and undespensible anger laiba picks the glass bottle from the counter, turns on her heels and crashes it against his head shocking both herself as well as Taahir; he drops her hand and touches his forehead. He looks at his fingers which are now stained with blood as his head started to throb because of the harsh blow.

Shock resonates in both of their eyes as they look at each other, regret falls upon her but it soon vanishes when Maheen shrieks in fear and approaches Taahir, 'What the hell is wrong with you' Laiba ignores her whine and looks straight at her deceiver; she points the broken end of the bottle she was holding towards him and speaks with as much courage she could muster without stuttering in her speech

'Not a word' she swallows a large lump of guilt forming in her throat because every fiber of her heart was telling her to drop all of her conscience and run to aid Taahir, because the sight of him bleeding pained her yet it was nothing compared to the agony she was feeling because of what transpired just a few minutes ago; 'If you follow me, I swear on my life, if you dare follow me I will not hesitate to plunge this right through your heart so that you get a little taste of the pain you've inflicted on mine, the very heart that has done nothing but loved you to its limit'

'AND YOU' she steps in front of Maheen who in turn takes a step back, if it weren't for her vexing anger she would've laughed at the beads of sweat forming over her cousin's face with the obvious fear from the danger she currently possessed, 'Right from my childhood you've made my life a living hell, but it is nothing compared to what you've done now. I do not want to dirty my hands by hurting you. I will leave your fate to be decided by Allah. I hope you realize that you've ruined a what could've been a good marriage and I will pray that you get the karma of being involved in this. I hope you rot in hell and no amount of good deeds shall help you out on the day of judgment'

Having said enough Laiba storms out of the  apartment, her steps heavy with the urgency to get away from the suffocating thick air that had enveloped her since the moment she rang the bell. Deciding not to return to her room because if she did her thoughts would eat her from within-inside the loneliness of her bedroom; she gives the lead to her feet,  straying through streets and passing by different shops until she spots a public bench and halts to rest her heavy breaths. Her eyes follow a couple walking down the street with their arms around one another. The man leans down to whisper something in his lovers ear, who in turn laughs out in merriment. The scene felt like salt was being rubbed on her wounds.

'Not the best place to visit when you're heartbroken' the sudden interruption of a familiar voice startles her, and her already bad mood turns sour upon seeing Muneeb. Though he had done nothing to ever anger her, the very fact that it was none other that his own wife whom Laiba saw her husband with made her despise him as well.

When Laiba doesn't acknowledge his presence, Muneeb takes the empty place on the bench beside her. They stay there for minutes without speaking anything until Muneeb breaks the silence, 'I know how it feels; watching your spouse with someone else. Like someone had deliberately stabbed into my heat and made sure to deepen the wounds so that the scars wouldn't fade anytime soon.'

The description was a perfect reflection of her own feelings and she felt sorry for the man sitting beside her;

'How long have known about this?'

Laiba watches as Muneeb's jaw tightens and that very moment his eyes reflects a series of emotions; ranging from anger to hatred and hurt. 'Remember the dinner we had last month where we accidently interrupted your date?'

Laiba nods, reminiscing her most memorable day with Taahir. That very night was the occasion when the seed of affection she bore in her heart blossomed into a feeling of love which grew further to get deeply rooted in all of the chambers of her fragile organ; one she often estimated to be strong enough to bear any pain.

But here she was at the very edge of the cliff, all she needed now was a little push to fall and sink at the depths of darkness, of sadness.

'We had never been the perfect couple, and there was alway some sort of misunderstanding oscillating between us. But we had always managed to find our ways back to each other until that night. Maheen started to feel distant, rejecting any of my trials to be affectionate with her. In a place where we were supposed to be on our holiday together, she wanted to travel the country alone.'

'How did you find out she was cheating on you then?'

'I found them eating together in a restaurant on my way to buy some necessities. I tried not to misunderstand them because they're cousins, and have been close when they were younger; close even till our marriage. But as I started to act on my suspicions all of it unraveled like a book. With each chapter that lead me to them being together made my soul wrench in both anger and hatred'

'Wait a minute' Muneeb jogs to the convenience store that was right across them and after a few minute comes back and takes his earlier seat. He hands laiba a bottle of water and a chocolate which she accepts reluctantly.

'Jazakallah Khair'

'How did you find me?'

He smiles bitterly at her, he uncaps the bottle he got for himself and takes a few sips, 'I was actually on my way to Taahir's to beat him up for what he did; for not only destroying my marriage but his as well. That's when I spotted you scurrying out of that apartment and by looking at your tear stained face I realized that you must've seen something you shouldn't have. And I know it must be hard, even worst if you're left to wallow in sorrow alone so without thinking much I followed you here'

Laiba fiddles with the wrapper around the bottle after Muneeb finishes to narrate his side of the story she inhales heavily to gulp down her tears before speaking, 'I appreciate your efforts to keep me company and where I sympathize with you I'm very well capable of handling my own pains.' she wipes her sweaty palm against the fabric of her blue shirt after which she proceeds to stand and look down at Muneeb, 'I prefer if we go on to our ways from here. I don't want to be associated with you or anything that would remind me of this day, Allahafiz.'

After saying her farewell she takes off to another destination, with the only will to not return home tonight she calls her friend,
'Hiba do you mind if I come over tonight?'


I started to write this chapter a week ago and have been pretty excited. I wrote half of this during my pediatrics and general medicine class after which I became very exhausted every time I return home. So I had promised myself to complete it by Saturday and publish it today.

Also just so yall know this book will come to an end pretty soon.

What do you think is going to happen from here? Any ideas? Do you think Laiba and Taahir will have a happy ending? Comment your thoughts, I would love to read them <3

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