Chapter 9

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Within an hour Shaam had already asked everything there was to know about Taahir

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Within an hour Shaam had already asked everything there was to know about Taahir. From where he is from to where he is staying and if he was single or committed to someone. He replied to every question truthfully except for the last one, sticking to his decision of pretending to not be married.

It took another hour for him to explain his work and what he is expected to do, Shaam even asked him if he wanted to get lunch together but was interrupted by Laiba, who as promised escorted him to the company's cafeteria and even made him have lunch with her. Taahir was quite throughout their walk, didn't even deny having lunch with her. A simple act that made Laiba internally smile.

'You seem quite close with the boss to call him on first name basis' Taahir spoke after a long silence that had began to settle between them

'We are not close but he prefers being called by his name unless it's a new recruit like you'

'I see' not liking the monotonous answer that seemed like a good attempt to end the conversation laiba spoke 'how are you settling in? Did you find a good room?'

Tahir hummed taking a spoonful of his rice, swallowing it before replying, 'I got a nice condo within my budget, since I arrived here I have been after interviews so haven't unpacked yet' when laiba didn't reply he lifted his head from the plate and looked at her, 'Would you like to come over and help me?'

That made laiba smile widely as if she won an award, 'Sure'

'just a warning, my room can be a little messy'

'It can't be that bad, I'm sure' she smiled


'It's bad, really bad' Laiba grimaced upon entering the small condo. Clothes were scattered everywhere, food parchments littered across the flooe and the kitchen was a disaster, burnt utensils were piled in the sink and the smell of rotten food made her head dizzy.

'I'm finding it difficult to believe a human lives here' she looked at Taahir who stood shyly at the kitchen entrance, his arms folded in front of him, 'I was busy preparing for the interviews that I didn't bother with the cleaning, thought I could do it once I land a job' his fidgety fingers played with the loose end of his shirt. Seeing how nervous he was made Laiba soften her gaze and smile at him

'That's not a problem let me help you clean'

Warm eyes widened at her, 'You will?' the tone in his voice almost made Laiba coo and pinch his red cheeks but she had better self restrain that many would like to believe

'Yes I will, now go and change before you clean the living room until then I'll manage these dishes'

It took her an hour to scrap the burnt waste from the dishes and wash them till they shined like a new product. Taahir wasn't bad either, he came back after changing into a pair of sweats and a T-shirt and went straight to clean the mess in the living room all the while missing to see how a pair of eyes lingered on him.

Laiba had to mentally slap herself a couple times to not oggle even if the man in front of her looked hot but her eyes betrayed her with every moment Tahir made.

'is everything alright?' one moment she had been staring at Taahir vacuuming the hall and the very next he was standing in front of her as if catching her in act. It didn't help that whenever he spoke in his strangely deep voice which he normally don't use while speaking it made butterflies flap their tiny wings in her stomach

Clearing her throat she focused her attention on him, 'I'm hungry' it wasn't a complete lie

'Should I order Pizza?'

Laiba frowned, 'We're Indians, we don't do pizza here'

'isn't it too much for a mere evening snack?' Tahir looked at the table filled with all sorts of Indian dishes

'There's no such thing as too much now dig in' seconds turned into minutes as they ate in silence until it got boring for Laiba

'Would you mind if I take you out on a date?' Tahir choked on the chicken piece he was eating before Laiba spoke, the action was more hilarious than it was worrisome so Laiba couldn't hold back her laughter after she gave him a glass of water to save him from the brink of death.


Rolling her eyes, laiba replied in an annoyed tone, 'Yes a date why are you behaving like I asked for your life, if you're not interested then just say so'

Tahir shook his head, 'No I didn't mean that. I was simply shocked that you're asking me on a date?

'We are married and would be wedded soon so I don't see the problem if I want to get to know my husband before moving in with him'

'If that's the case then don't you expect me to take you out?'

'I don't get where it's written that a girl can't ask someone out, why does it always have to be a boy? Instead of expecting I'm taking a step forward so if you agree be ready by 5 and I'll pick you up otherwise message me a simple no'


So a date? Yes? or no? 👀

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