Chapter 14-Nico

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Time skip-October 25th
All the counselors were gathered around the Ping pong table for a meeting, like usual. The topic today?
A Halloween party.
Chiron was saying that we were all going to go up to the mall in Manhattan and go shopping for Halloween costumes tomorrow.
Having an entire camp of Half-Bloods in one place did not sound like a good idea to me, but everyone else was all for it. Maybe it was because I haven't celebrated Halloween for years and wasn't really in the spirit.
I was probably going to be dragged there anyway, so I guess I have to go.
I sighed and went back to my cabin so I could get some sleep before the torture that will be shopping tomorrow.
The Next Day
The Demigods who were staying for Halloween-or visiting for Halloween-are all gathered in a group outside of the mall.
"Okay," Chiron said. "We're going to split into groups of two or three and meet back here in two hours. If you're not here on time, you'll be left here. Capiche?"
"Yeah, I Capiche!" Leo shouted. (I only had Chiron say Capiche so I could add that reference lol)
I sighed and looked around for someone I could stand as my partner.
Will came running over, grinning at me. "Hey Nico! Wanna find costumes together?"
I smiled and nodded. We walked to the vans and jumped into the back of the closest one.
2 hours later
"Hey, Nico!" Will called. "You should wear this!"
I looked over at what he was holding up. It was a big, bulky costume that was in the shape of a sun. He probably chose this on purpose just to mess with me. "No way, Solace!"
He held up a skintight black skeleton costume and said, "if you wear that, I'll wear this!" I rolled my eyes at his antics, but I knew he was serious.
And that's how I found myself (grudgingly) in a sun costume at the Halloween party.
A/N-so next chapter should be the Halloween party...I know it's kind of weird to have Halloween in April, but we were running really low on ideas...
Does anyone actually understand that reference? (Hehe that was another reference that you guys probably don't understand)
Until next time!

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 21, 2015 ⏰

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