Chapter 10-Calypso

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I couldn't wait for the upcoming contest. After 1500 years on a island I was pretty sure I knew how to cook. After Percy left, Leo and I got ready to go. Have I ever mentioned how sweet he is? He went completely out of his way to help me more than one time. We walked down to the Big House, and parted ways. I walked into the kitchen and plopped down in a chair.
"This is our first annual baking contest," said Clarisse. "And I want US to win it." We discussed who we would send up to judge, alongside of Chiron and Mr.D. I offered to go up, but Annabeth said,
"No, we need you here. I've got a feeling you'll be one of our most powerful weapons."
"Thanks. I guess," I replied.
We decided we'd make a giant cake, each one of us making one layer. I smiled as I walked out of the Big House, when someone came running at me. He scooped me up and spun me around.
"Leo!" I laughed. "Put me down!"
"Not yet!" He shouted. He carried me off to cabin 9 and pushed open the door. It looked as if he had lined the walls with batter.
"Crap!" He shouted. He looked at me. "I promise, I meant to clean that." I laughed and started to help him clean up. As we were lying in bed that night he told me he couldn't bake. I told him I didn't blame him- mechanics don't normally learn to cook.
A/N: Sorry it's so short! (Actually I didn't write this one...XD) but updates may be a bit slower from now on, we're both having some writer's block.
And I might start writing a SuperWhoLock story, if anyone's interested. Just tell me in the comments if you want me to :) (and if you would read it!)

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