Chapter 11-Will

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The cooking contest, which would be taking place in a couple of hours, was definitely going to be fun. I mean, I'm not the best at cooking, but at least I've made cookies before...unlike SOME people...

I don't get how he'd never made cookies before. How could anyone live without making cookies?!

I'd thought about Nico a lot recently, but I didn't know why. (A/N-IT'S BECAUSE YOU LOVE HIM)

Anyway, right now I was with my siblings at the archery range. I had no idea how I became the head counselor of the Apollo cabin with such horrible skills with a bow. I wasn't even that good at singing! All I could really do was heal.

I didn't mind being a healer though. It's nice to know that you have saved someone from pain or death.

I lifted my bow and shot the arrow. It hit the outside of the target, basically the farthest you can get from the center while still hitting the target. It reminded me of when I saw Percy for the first time.

We were both twelve, and Chiron was leading him around camp. He brought him to the archery range to see how good at shooting he was. After Chiron disentangled an arrow from his tail, it was determined that Percy was not a son of Apollo.

Of course, thinking of Percy made me think of Nico. I remember him talking to the son of Poseidon, who looked confused, with his girlfriend next to him, laughing. I still wonder what he said to him.

I shot another arrow and it hit around the middle of the target. It was a good shot for me, but I looked around at the rest of the targets to see arrows hitting the center or around the center every time. I sighed. I was really horrible at shooting.

I wonder what Nico would say if he was here. He would probably roll his eyes and say, "Keep up, Solace. You're supposed to be the leader," or maybe, "come on, you're a son of Apollo! How are you this bad at archery?"

I sighed again. I really needed to stop thinking about Nico.

But do I want to?
A/N- Sorry it's so short and there's no dialogue, I couldn't find anywhere to fit it in... But anyway, I am really obsessed with Supernatural now! Anyone else?
And I also finished Sherlock...well, now to join the VERY long hiatus...

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