Chapter 5-Will

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I was taking one of the few breaks I get from the infirmary in my cabin with my siblings. Suddenly there was a group of campers that headed excitedly to the top of Half-Blood Hill.

"What's that about?" I ask my sister, Angela.

"I don't know. Want to go find out?" I nodded and we left the cabin to go see what the group of campers at the hill was about.

We get there in time to see Jason tackle Leo, who I thought exploded and died, but I guess not...

I saw Nico, who was lingering at the outside of the crowd. He looked hesitant to go greet him, but I don't know why. I mean, he spent some time with him on the Argo II and he basically saved all of our campers from dying.

I made my way over to him. "Why don't you go say hi?"

He jumped, surprised. "Umm, I dunno. I guess I'm just, er...self conscious."

"You shouldn't be. You basically saved everybody by shadow traveling here with the Athena Parthenos, even if it did almost kill you..."

He rolled his eyes. "Whatever. I don't even know Leo that well."

I nudged him towards Leo. "You still know him though, and he just died and came back to life. How often do you have a friend who has done that?"

"I don't even have friends..." He grumbled under his breath, barely audible. I'm slightly insulted. I thought I was becoming his friend...but it seems like it's just his personality to always push people away.

"Um, excuse me!" I said. "I heard that! And you do have friends, you know. You have me, and the Seven, and Reyna. And there are other people you could befriend, if you stopped trying to be a loner all the time!"

Nico sighed and looked down. "I'm sorry."

I smiled. "Just go." I pushed him towards Leo.

Nico went up, looking slightly uncomfortable.

Leo ruffled his hair and laughed. Nico swatted him away and I couldn't help but smile. He really doesn't like anybody touching him. It's a miracle he let me touch him for as long as I did back when Jake walked in on us.

I walk away, still with a stupid grin on my face.

A/N-I love writing about them so much I don't think it's healthy...

But I don't care, they're my OTP :D

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