Chapter 2-Nico

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I walked back towards Will, a light blush on my face.

"What was that about?" He asked. I turned back to look at Percy, and I saw that he was flustered and Annabeth was laughing at him.

"N-nothing," I stuttered. Will laughed.

"I'll find out you know..."

"I sure hope not," I muttered under my breath.

Will led me to one of the few empty infirmary rooms. I sat down on the bed.

"Okay," Will said sternly. "You're not allowed to leave this bed without my permission. And no Underworld-y stuff!"

I groaned. The Underworld thing I could handle; I had no intention of shadow traveling for a long time. But I could not handle three days of constant supervision and fussing.

Will grinned at me and touched my hand softly, shocking me. "I'm serious about this. I don't want you to get hurt."

I rolled my eyes, but I couldn't help the small smile that formed on my face. "Whatever."

For the next three days, Will came into my room to talk to me at least four times a day. So I wasn't surprised when he came in on the morning of the fourth day.

I hated to admit that my heart leapt slightly when he entered, taking in his bright blue eyes and blond hair that had the slightest bit of sweat in it from healing the other people in the infirmary. By now, there weren't nearly as many as there were the first day, but there was still work to be done.

"Hey Death Boy," Will said. I huffed.

"Really? That's the best you can do?"

Will shrugged. "Well, do you have one for me?"


Will feigned hurt. "And you called mine bad?"

"Fine. What about Surfer Dude? You look like a stereotypical surfer guy."

"I have never touched a surfboard in my life and if I did, I would suck so bad," he said with his usual grin.

"So Doc," I said. "can I get out of bed now?"

Will sighed. "Fine..."

I threw the covers off of me and stood up, way too fast. I saw black spots and start to fall over again, but Will was there, and he caught me with at least a foot before I hit the floor.

He brushed some hair out of my eyes. "Whoa there Death Boy, I think you need at least another day." I groaned and he laughed. "I was joking, don't worry about it." He let me stand up, but kept a hand firmly on my back until all of the black spots in my vision went away. I looked up at his face and his eyes sparkled at me. My insides felt like they turned into jelly.

Of course, at exactly that time, one of Will's brothers walked in and said, "hey Will, we need you in the-whoa, okay then!"

We leapt apart as if tasered and I looked away, a blush on my face.

"So anyway..." Will's brother continued. "We need you to help us with this surgery in room 27."

Will sighed. "I'll be there in a minute, Jake."

"Okay." As he left the room, he turned back and winked at us. "And don't worry, I'll keep this relationship a secret."

Will threw a prescription bottle at him as he left, laughing. "I...uh...have to go. See you around!"

Soon after I walked back to Cabin 13, wondering what exactly happened between Will and I.

A/N- Solangelo is my new OTP guys oh my gods. They're adorable :D

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