Ch. 8

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A buzz filled the air as people ate their dinners and talked about the upcoming contest. From listening, I ascertained that there were normally two contests held each year, but sometimes more were announced for special events. No one was quite sure the reason behind tonight's contest, and speculation ran from making headway in the war to getting the planting done early.

As people finished their meals and cleaned up, Ponius entered the tent, his lumbering gait commanding respect. He stood in front of the serving tables and crossed his arms as quiet fell over the tent, people leaning forward in their seats. My pulse quickened, tingles running up my body as the anticipation for the contest permeated the tent.

Ponius waited until it was dead quiet before spreading out his arms, saying in a booming voice, "Welcome, fighters, to the contest!" Cheers and the stomping of feet met his words. Ponius raised his hands for silence. "To celebrate our recent recruits to our noble cause, you will be working with a partner in order to defeat the other teams. For your prize, each partner will receive a specially crafted hunting knife. You have five minutes to find a partner."

Mummers sounded as people sought out partners and discussed the prize. I looked around warily, feeling like the child who always got picked last. Who would want to be my partner? I saw the two boys I had defeated this morning giving me dark looks, no doubt planning how to get revenge after I had humiliated them. Great. I'd been here for a day and I already had enemies in the TP and Wu team. Though if they were going to actually be a team, they needed new names... something like Shake and Bake.

"I wish you luck in the contest, Thea," a smooth voice said behind me. I whirled around to find two blue eyes, like sapphires, staring into mine. "After all, it is being held in your honor."

Heat rose to my cheeks. "This is for all of the new fighters, right? Surely I am not the only new person here."

"No, but you are the most important one," Marduk said, putting a hand on my shoulder. His words from last night ran through my head. You'd be everything. Fire flooded my shoulder from his touch. Maybe he would be my partner for this contest.

"Marduk, do you -" I paused, taking in his full appearance. He wore black riding leathers with dark-colored armor. "You're leaving."

"I'm afraid something has come up, and I am the only one who can deal with it," said Marduk, removing his hand. My shoulder instantly grew cold. "But do not worry, Thea, there is a partner for you," he continued, nodding behind him.

I found Marcus shifting uncomfortably, hands behind his back. "I still don't have a partner, Thea, if you need one," he said, glancing up. A smile tugged at my lips. It was hard to tell with his dark skin, but was he blushing?

"Thanks, Marcus, that would be great." Out of everyone, Marcus was probably the next best option after Marduk. He had treated me well on our journey here. I turned to say goodbye to Marduk, but found only an empty spot where he had been.

"I would not worry about Marduk," said Marcus, standing next to me. "He often leaves suddenly on missions, but he always returns just fine."

"Who said I was worried?" I retorted.

Marcus shook his head, smiling. "We'd best head to the sparring field so we know what games we'll be competing in."

Torches lined the field, illuminating the grass and making the mountains that ringed our camp black and foreboding, a perfect guard for the camp. Fireflies flashed in the shadows, and overhead millions of stars shone down. I had seen plenty of stars back home, but these were much more vivid. Perhaps it was because we were closer to the sky. A chill breeze blew, and I crossed my arms, wishing I had worn a cloak. It got much colder here at night.

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