Chapter 15

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A/N: Hot damn I have not been on here in a while! Many apologies! Not gonna lie I've had to re-read what I've written so far to know what to write next, but it's so lovely to see so many people enjoying this story and I'm so sorry it's not been updated in foreeevvvveeerrr! There may be a slight change in writing style just because I am a good few years older now and am currently a final year uni student so my writing has changed a lil. But I hope you continue to enjoy the story as much as I have loved writing it so far!

*Taron's POV*
I can tell Chloe feels uncomfortable and awkward, but how can I blame her, I feel awkward too. We're trying to act normal but it's impossible after what happened and especially as we don't see each other as often anymore. It just feels different.
Okay I need to stop being so pessimistic and do something to change this awkwardness.
"Look I know we've had some ups and downs recently but I really miss hanging out with you and being our goofy, clumsy selves" I told her.
"Me too and I think because I've had some time to reflect and get a grasp of my feelings, I've realised how much I've missed being around you and our friendship, but it just feels awkward at the moment" she replied.
"Let's make a deal then, we set it in stone that we have to meet up and hang out at least once a week, like we used to... No excuses" I proposed.
"Okay I'll make it a deal... Buuuutttt you have to announce to the whole coffee shop that you aren't funny" She replied with a smirk.
That cheeky twat... Of course she'd get me to do something like this... But at least things are getting back to normal.
"fine"I replied begrudgingly.
I stood up and cleared my throat before announcing" "Excuse me everyone! I would just like to let you all know that I am not funny! Thank you, that will be all"
I then gave a small bow and sat back down with that lovely red glow on my face and making a mental note in my head to never show my face here again out of sheer embarrassment. Yes us actors can be embarrassed too.
Chloe on the other hand was trying so hard to not spit out her coffee all over the table as she was sniggering away at me.
I shook my head at her and couldn't help but begin to laugh myself.
Chloe made the situation even better/worse, depending on how you look at things, by spitting her coffee all over me as she could no longer contain her laughter, or coffee for that matter.
It made an absolute mess all over me and the table, some coffee even came out her nose! But this only made us laugh even harder. This is what I have missed, this is the friendship we used to have.
"cheers for that, go and get some napkins you twonk" I said to her I between laughs.
"Twonk... We're bringing that back are we" Chloe replied with a small chuckle. She then finally decided it would be a good idea to go and get me some napkins so I can clear her coffee off of my clothes and the table.
Once the mess had been cleared up we decided it was probably a good idea to let the people in the coffee shop have some piece and quiet from us and left the shop still laughing slightly from what just happened.
"I should probably head off home, I'm supposed to be meeting Tess later and I'm not sure I want to turn up covered in a mix of coffee and your spit" I chuckled whilst indicating at my stained clothes.
"Yeah you should probably go and get changed and maybe have a shower while your at it too" Chloe said while pretending to hold her nose indicating that I smell.
"Yeah... Yeah alright, thanks" I replied still laughing a little.
"But I'll see you soon... Yeah?" I added.
"Yes definitely, I'll text you, have a fun date" Chloe smiled as we gave each ither a hug and went our opposite ways.

*Chloe's POV*
*A few weeks later*
Since meeting Taron at the coffee shop, things have been so much better, I'd say almost back to how things were before I was a pleb and blurted that I loved him (Which was the dumbest thing I've probably ever done... And I've smacked my face on a desk before so that's saying something).
We have been meeting up every week mostly on a Wednesday, as that seems to be the only day we are both free. I also have to be more careful about where I'm seen and who I'm with as I'm working undercover for a job at work.... But you know the drill... I can't mention anymore than that because of confidentiality shit. I've not even told Taron because this is some serious shit. I've also been talking to Connor (yeah the hot one from the coffee shop) and been on a few dates and he is super sweet. I'm actually meant to be meeting him tomorrow night for a date and he's coming to mine to watch a movie, I'm super excited, mainly cause I'm a sucker for a good movie, and I do love spending time with Connor. But again I've got to be careful about where I go so that's why we're staying in to watch a movie rather than going to the movies. Downside of the job I guess.

*The next day*
Today is date dayyyyyyy... Can you tell I'm excited? I'm also extremely happy to be over Taron, I love him but I'm glad my feelings have subsided because they would have destroyed our friendship... And almost did.
I spent most of my day watching the clock (I had the day off work today) and my GOD did time go by slowly... I must have cleaned my apartment about 100 times jsut to pass the time.
It was around 3pm when I heard a knock at the door... I wasn't expecting anyone yet.

All I'm gonna say is... The date which was planned tonight will no longer be going ahead...

I think I've been comprised...

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