Chapter 2

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*Taron's POV*
I had just got dragged to this party because all my friends were going, kind of like a peer pressure thing, I just gave in and decided to go...why the hell not.

But within the first 15 minutes or so I got ditched...when all my friends probably found all the populars and left when I turned around...dickheads.
I looked around for them for a bit until I saw this one girl sat in the corner by herself, She looked really bored, but she was pretty hot too, she had straight, brown hair, and was wearing this red dress with a leather jacket and some converse, I decided to go over and talk to her.
"Did your friends ditch you too?" I asked approaching her.
"Yeah, I'm not really the most sociable person this party is great..."I said into my ear, with slight sarcasm.
"Haha yeah right, I'm Taron by the way"I told her.
"I'm Chloe, Want to go some place else other than here...I don't really like people...or parties"Chloe asked me.
"Yeah sure"I replied leading the way out the door with Chloe close behind me.

We went and sat on the wall just outside the dorm.
Now I could see her properly, her eyes were a hazel colour...they were so mesmerising.
"So...what do you study here then...unless you're one of them people who come from other University's to go to parties?" Chloe asked me.
"No I go here, And I study drama I'm in Mr Wincelot's class...What about yourself?"I replied.
"Hold on a fricken' minute....You do Mr Wincelot's class? That means we are in the same class...How have I not seen you before?"She replied.
"No idea, that is rather creepy though"I said.
"So you want to be an actor do you then Taron?" Chloe asked nudging my arm.
"Yeah, I enjoy's fun to play as someone else"I told her.
"Well we should be a team in our next assignment then"Chloe suggested.
"Yes we should, we would kick ass"I said laughing.

We talked for hours just getting to know each other and talking about what we wanted to do in the future and before we knew it, it was 3 am and so I walked Chloe back to her room and left for my own.

For the next couple of weeks me and Chloe spent every day together, we sat next to each other in class and either went on walks or went to each others rooms, No not like that get your minds out of the gutter you disgusting people, and talked or played video games.
We became best friends.

*Present day*
Me and Chloe were currently at this party, and Chloe was pissed, I had to take her home.

She came over to me stumbling with every step she took.
"Hello...hansome"She said.
I couldn't help but laugh, Chloe was so funny when she was drunk...She is such a Twat sometimes.
"Come on you let's get you home"I told her.
"No...I want to...stay here and dance with you"She argued.
I picked her up, bridal style, and carried her outside towards my car.
"Ooo look at you Mr big Muscles...trying to carry me"Chloe said.
Everything she said was just funny, I think it's the way she talks when she drunk though, she's trying to be flirtatious but it fails misserably.
I put her in the seat and put her belt on for her.
"I know how to put my belt on myself you twonk"Chloe said.
Twonk...what the fuck is a twonk.
I shut the door and ran around to my side to drive, no I haven't been drinking because I knew Chloe would get pissed and I would have to take her's funny because she doesn't like parties...she just sits in the corner of a room and drinks until she is pissed then goes crazy.

I got to my side of the car and got in, I then realised Chloe wasn't sat next to me...Fuck sake.

I got out the car and saw her walking down the road.
"Chloe what are you doing?"I asked running to catch up with her.
"I'm walking, because I have legs...also because you wouldn't dance with me"She said like a 5 year old.
"that's it come on" I said picking her up, throwing her over my shoulder, not literally, and carrying her to my car while she struggled.
"Put me down..."She said hitting my back.
"Nope"I said popping the P.
"ugh"She replied.
A few moments later she smacked my Butt.
I jumped forward as she did and it only caused her to laugh.
"Got you!"She laughed.
I just shook my head and we soon got back to the car and once again I put he in, making sure I locked the door so she couldn't get out this time and got in my side and drive back to Chloe's place.

We got there about 10 minutes later and Chloe was still being a fucking lunatic. This is going to be a long night.

I unlocked Chloe's apartment, yes I have my own key because Chloe gave me one, and I put Chloe down and she started running around the house screaming and laughing just like a child would, yeah...she does this when she's drunk...

I had to get her to be quiet because it was like 2am, I had to catch her when she would fall into something and in the end I picked her up and put her on her bed to only have her get up again...this happened four times before I had to pin her I had my legs pinning hers down and my hands pinning her arms down.
"Hey, at least take me on a date before you pin me down on my bed"Chloe giggled.
"Chloe you have to be quiet and go to sleep"I told her.
"But I don't want to sleep..."She replied still giggling like a child who did something wrong.

Then she said nothing and just looked at me for a moment before full on crashing her lips onto mine.

I got off of her which broke our lips appart...I was quite shocked, but she is pissed.

Chloe tried to get up to follow me as I went to leave the room, but she tripped and full on hit her face on the corner of the desk. Shit!

As I saw her trip I tried to get to that side of the bed to catch her from hitting her face but failed. She was now out cold.

I carefully picked her up put her in her bed, ran to the kitchen, grabbed the ice from the freezer and wrapped it in a tea towel then ran back to Chloe's room and placed the ice and tea towel on her eye, which had already turned black/blue, carefully.

When the swelling went down I put the covers over her, kissed her forehead and left her room closing the door behind me.

I decided to stay incase she got up and either hurt herself again or was still pissed and fid some other crazy shit, so I led down on her sofa and soon fell asleep because I was knackered from chasing and looking after Chloe all night.

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