Chapter 9

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*Taron's POV*
Wow...She looked...Beautiful.
"You look so amazing Chloe!"Paige and Cat squealed.
"Thanks guys"She chuckled.
"Wow"I said looking at her.
"You..look...Amazing"I told her.
"Thank you, you don't look too bad yourself"She replied smiling.
"Shall we?"I said holding out my arm for her to link with.
"We shall" She replied linking arms with me.
We left to go to my car and I opened the cat door for her.
"Why thank you kind sir"She said and Winked getting in the caf.
"Nice shoes by the way"I told her shutting the car door after she got in.

I ran round the other side and got in the car.
"Thanks, I prefer converse to heels"She said.
"Typical Chloe"I said laughing then gave her a wink.

We soon arrived at the Premiere and I went round and opened the door for Chloe and helped her out of my car.
As soon as she saw where we were her jaw dropped.
"Taron we are at a premiere..."She said.
"Yes, we are"I chuckled.
"For what, and how come we are here?"She asked.
"Well it's a film premiere with Colin Firth, Samuel L Jackson, Michael Caine and Mark Strong, why we are here well you will have to find out"I told her then winked.
She just kept looking around at where we were and Sophie came over to us.
"Hey Taron"She said.
"Hi Sophie"I replied.
"Sophie?!" Chloe asked.
"Ohmygod Chloe?!"Sophie said.
"Do you guys know each other?"I asked.
"Yes, Sophie was the one who left me on my own at that party where we and Sophie were friends in Uni"Chloe Explained.
"Yeah sorry about that Chloe"Sophie said.
"That was ages ago don't worry about it"Chloe responded.
"so Taron is Chloe your date tonight?"Sophie asked nudging my arm.
"Urm...I guess"I replied.
"Awh how cute, Well let's go and have photo's taken then let's go and watch the film"Sophie said as we all walked over to where these photographers were.

After all the photo's were taken, I had some on my own, some with Chloe, some with Everyone, some with just Colin and Samuel...bur Chloe found a photo booth so Sophie, Chloe and I all went in it and pulled funny faces, it was brilliant and there were three print outs so we all got one.

Then it was time to go into the theatre and watch the film.
We sat right at the front...and Chloe was still confused.
"Chloe do you even know why you are here?"Sophie asked her.
"Nope no fricken clue"She replied.
I gave Sophie a look to tell her to not say anything.
"Oh...well enjoy the film"She said.

*Chloe's POV*
I still didn't get how Taron managed to get us into a premiere and how Sophie managed to get here.

We were currently watching this film, it's a a spy film, Kingsman I think...I already love it and I've only seen the first 5 minutes but I love Colin Firth and Mark strong so I'm loving this...but that's when I saw paned up from the medal Harry gave Eggsy and it was showing him 17 years later and it was Taron!
My Jaw dropped to the floor, I couldn't believe it. That explains why I haven't seen him a lot.
I was just sat there in of my best friends is in a film with Samuel L Jackson, Colin Firth and Mark Strong.
I looked at Taron and my Jaw was still practically hitting the floor.
He looked at me and just laughed.
"Close your mouth you'll catch flies"He whispered in my ear closing my mouth with his hand.
"But you're in a film with Amazing actors"I said.
"Yeah, and we can talk to them after if you want.."I smiled.
"Ohmygod Yes!"She replied hugging my arm.

We continued to watch the film and Chloe fangirled when she saw Sophie in the film too and we both chuckled at her.

Once the film had finished Chloe wanted to watch it again...I'm guessing she loved it.

Then we went and spoke to Colin, Samuel, Michael and Mark and Chloe was talking to them about the film with Sophie and me...until I saw the most beautiful blonde girl staring at I left the other guys and went to speak to her.

"Hey there"I said to her.
"Hi"She replied smiling.
"I saw you in that film, you're pretty hot you know"She added.
"Thanks, you look beautiful by the way, and I'm Taron"I said to her.
"Thank you, my name's Tess"She told me.
"To be honest I was actually pretty jealous of that princess in the film you know"She admitted.
"But that was only a one time thing, and didn't actually happen"I told her smirking.
"Whereas we could be more than a one time thing"I winked.
"Is this your way of asking me out on a date or something?"Tess asked.
"Maybe"I replied smiling.
"Good I was hoping you would, here's my number"She said handing me a piece of paper with her number on it.
"Well I'm going to head home now, see you la-"
"I could drive you home to save you the trouble of getting a taxi"I told her.
"How did you know I got a taxi?"Tess asked confused.
"I saw you get out one around the corner from here when you arrived"I told her.
"Nice observation that what being a spy has taught you?"She smirked.
"No, I just saw how beautiful you were and couldn't take my eyes off you"I replied.
This just made her blush.

I showed her the way to my car and opened the door for her and got in the other side and I drove her back to her house.

"Thank you for the lift, and I hope I'll get a call from you soon"She winked then shut the car door behind her and went into her house.

I then drove back to my apartment and went to my room and text Tess.

*Chloe's POV*
I was talking to Colin Firth, Samuel L Jackson, Mark Strong and Michael Caine and Sofia Boutella with Sophie and Taron...This was amazing.

I went to turn around and thank Taron for bringing me here but he was gone.
I looked around to see if I could see him but he was no where to be seen.
"Sophie do you know where Taron is?"I asked her.
"No, I thought he was here, do you want to go and look for him?"She asked.
"Yeah if you don't mind"I said.
"By the way I know you like him"Sophie said to me.
"What? How do you know that?!"I asked her.
"I was joking, but I take it you do"She said smiling.
"Yes I do...quite a lot..but you better not tell him or I will go all fucking ninja on your ass...and I'm wearing converse so it wouldn't be hard"I told her.
"I wasn't planning to tell him"She said looking quite scared.
"Good, also let's find him because he is also my lift home"I chuckled.

Me and sophie searched everywhere for Taron and he was no where to be seen, we asked a bunch of people too and they all no idea.

There was one person we spoke to call Jack and he said that he saw Taron with some blonde girl earlier and saw them get in his car.

"Well bloody brilliant"I said throwing my hands into the air.
"He went and ditched me...for a blonde bitch who he probably flirted with, now how am I going to get home?"I added.
"Chloe I can always give you a lift home"Sophie told me.
"You sure?"I asked.
"Yes it's fine, then we can both go and beat Taron up"She smiled.
"Yeah, Kingsman style"I replied.

Sophie gave me a lift back to my apartment and we arranged to meet up tomorrow and then I went into my apartment and went to bed.

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