Chapter 18

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*Chloe's POV*
Ughhh... My head. Wait... I don't remember falling asleep. I swear someone was walking towards me not that long ago.
I really need to find a way to yet out of here.
"I see you're finally able to stay conscious" A vaguely familiar voice echoed through the warehouse. I tried to look around but I couldn't see anyone.
"I hope this time you'll be willing to tell us the truth..."He added.
After listening a little closer this time I can tell that he's hiding behind one of the structural pillars a good few feet in front of me and to the right.
" Why don't you show your face then you coward" I spat back.
"I know where you're hiding" I added.
He finally decided to be less of a coward and rounded the corner... But I still couldn't see his face due to the shadows of the building.
It's extremely and unnecessarily dramatic if you ask me.
I knew I recognised his voice... But I was still shocked when I saw who he was. My concussion wasn't making me see things.
It was Connor.
The bastard used me.
That's how my cover was blown. I knew I should have gone in deep from the start,but my boss said no. Now look where the fuck I am.
He approaches, dreadfully and painfully slow.
But it did give me time to think of a plan to get the fuck out of here.
"So... Shall we try this again... Chloe. Or should I call you Carol" He sniggered.
"Tell me who. You. Work. For." He spat.
I obviously remained silent.
He got closer to me leaning in to the point he was leaning both arms on my legs and I could feel his hot breath on my face. Now if this was a good few weeks ago before I knew who this assholes was... I probably would have enjoyed this feeling. At the moment though... Not so much... It was kinda repulsive.
I nodded my head backwards, indicating to him that I wanted him a little closer,and to his stupid mistake, he did so.
I headbutted him full force (yeah I got the idea from good ol' Steve Arnott from Lime of Duty) if they're gonna use the TV shows methods of holding someone hostage, I'm gonna use their ways of escaping too.
After being headbutted he stumbled back a little and his hand slipped in between my legs and before he removed it I clenched my thighs together trapping his arm.... Jesus not again, get your minds out the gutter... We don't have time for this shit.

The power of the powerful thighs stopped him from being able to move away which enabled me to grab his arm with my left arm, which I managed to wiggle free (with a few rope burns) of the rope which they used to tie me, very poorly may I add, to the chair.
After grabbing ahoold of his arm I knew I had a few moments to make my next move before he got free of my grasp, so I used my legs to wrap around his head, yeah alright... I know how it sounds... But trust me.
At this point yes it did look like I was forcing him to give me head, but in actuality I was squeezing as hard as I possibly could with my thighs, until I could feel all his weight leaning on me.
I didn't let go straight away, just incase, so I squeezed for a few moments later until I just couldn't anymore. I released him and with a little shove he collapsed onto the floor with a thud.
My adrenaline is THRIVING right now. Phew that was a thrill. But it's time to get the fuck outta here now. I used my free hand to loosen the vice on my right hand until I was able to get it free.
I searched "Connor" or whoever the fuck he is and found a burner phone. I took it and ran as fast as I could out of there. I had no idea where I was or where to go... I just ran. I probably looked like a fucking psycho too.
I ran as fast for as long as I could before I had to take a break. Once I stopped to take a breather, I realised something...

I know where I am. I was less than 2 miles from MI5 headquarters. I started to run again, I think it was the adrenaline that kept me going because 1) I've never ran this long before in my Life. And 2) I'm pretty sure I have ALOT of injuries which I somehow cannot feel any pain.
I could now see it! I can see the building! I was starting to feel dizzy and a bit woozy,butni pushed through. I kept going. It was as if the adrenaline completely left my body as I ran through the front entrance into the main foyer.
After that, everything went black...

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