Chapter 17

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*Taron's POV*
It's been days since Paige, Cat and I went to MI5 to try and find Chloe... But no luck... She didn't even show up to work on the Monday... I mean obviously they couldn't tell us anymore than that. Which is so fucking annoying!
I'm worried sick about her. I can't sleep anymore, so I'm running on coffee.
A few days ago I decided enough is enough and I'm going to try and find her myself,ibe spent the last few days, in between work and on my days off,  thinking of different things I can do to find her. I won't lie... Its a very short list. I don't know how proper detectives do it. Its hard to find someone.
I decided the best thing I can do is maybe search her apartment again or somehow manage to get ahold of the CCTV from the coffee shop or even her apartment.

*A few days later*
I may have missed a date or two with Tess. I know it sounds bad but i'm just so worried about Chloe and I just need to find her.
"Taron! Taron!" Tess shouted snapping her fingers in my face.
I snapped out of my thoughts and looked at her. She must have let herself in my apartment...i didn't hear her come in though.
"You said you would make it up to me by taking me to lunch today" She said with slight frustration in her voice.
"Oh... Uhhh yeah. I can't really today Tess I've got to do this... Maybe tomorrow" I replied pointing at my pile of information and 'clues' scattered all over my bedroom floor.
"You know what I'm fed up with this shit Taron... It's me or her" She scoffed.
Did she? Just give me an ultimatum...
"Tess, you know I can't bail on Chloe...shes fucking missing" I explained.
"But you've been to the police... There's nothing you can do, just let them do their jobs!" she huffs back.
"You keep bailing on me to do fucking nothing but stare at the mess on your floor all day..." She added.
"I... I.. I just can't sit and do nothing when my best fucking friend is missing and possibly in danger Tess! You just don't fucking get it or how much she means to me!" I proclaimed stating to get annoyed myself.
"Yeah you're right I DON'T understand.... I'm done Taron. We're finished!" She shouted before storming out of my apartment.
Upon relefection maybe I have been a bit of an asshole to her... I just can't stand by and let Chloe down while I'm off at the movies or having dinner. Like I said to Tess... She just means so much to me, I can't bare to lose her!
Okay let's so and see what I can find from the CCTV or if I can act well enough to gain access in the first place!

*Chloe's pov*
My head is THROBBING. Fuck my life... Its like I've repeatedly smacked my head against a wall or drank 3 bottles of vodka and now living with the consequences of that. I wish it was the latter rather than what's actually going on right now.
I'm comprised... Someone knows I'm undercover... I just don't know who... Or how.
I don't even know how long I've been here in this warehouse looking place... Its very stereotypical spy movie of them to put me in this warehouse.
Considering I'm compromised it probably doesn't matter if I explain what's going on now.
Basically I infiltrated a huuuuggeee drug cartel in order to pin them. I was in but somehow they've figured I'm not who I say I am and have no proceeded to torture me for the past week or maybe longer.... Who knows. I think I've got a broken rib or two, probably a fat concussion, my fingers are one or two turns away from being obliterated by a vice. Which is very line of duty esc of them. I wonder if they've watched it or if they watch TV shows and movie like non criminals do... Or maybe they're too busy.
Wait I see footsteps... I mean hear footsteps. It looks like... It can't be... Yeahhhhh I think I probably do have a concussion...maybe I'll have another little nap.

*Narrator POV*
Chloe had once again passed out due to her concussion... She's never been in a situation like this. So, how will she get out of this one?
And who is that walking towards her?

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