Chapter 19

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*Chloe's POV*
I woke up to an excruciating pain in my side and everytime I breathed. And my GOD was it bright in here. It took a good few moments for my eyes to adjust to the light before I realised I was in the hospital. Or a hospital, it looked a bit fancier than a normal hospital.
I looked around and saw all sorts of wires coming out my arms... I kinda looked like a robot. I found the little device thing which allows me to call for help and press the button. It didn't take long before someone (a nurse) came into the room.
"Hi, I've got an excruciating pain in my right side" I said with a raspy voice as soon as she entered the room.
"Let's give you something to reduce that pain Chloe, is it okay if I call you Chloe?" she asked.
"Yeah of course" I replied.
"Can I just ask where I am... And what happened to me?" I said puzzled.
"You're in the medbay of MI5 headquarters, they thought it would be safer to have you here than in a hospital, just while the investigation is ongoing" She explained.
"And for what happened to you... Well you came into the main foyer and just collapsed on the floor... After the security managed to ID you, I was called and we managed to get you up here and assess your wounds" She added.
"Oh... Okay"I responded.
" Wait hold on a second... They've not caught them yet" I questioned.
"No ma'am" The nurse responded.
"Can you call Tim down here please?" I asked her.
"I really do think you should rest, wait until you're feeling a bit better" She suggested.
"I'm sorry..." I said indicating I didn't know her name yet.
"Claire" She responded.
"I'm sorry Claire, but I didn't go through what I went through to give up now... Please get Tim" I insisted.
She nodded and left the room with haste.
A few moments later Tim came into the room, Tim is the team leader of this operation but the way... Not my boss but I report to him. I proceeded to explain what happened to me and who was holding me hostage. I couldn't tell him where I was held but I could describe the inside and give a right guess of how far away. Apparently, it was enough information for them to get a search team out to apprehend them.
Now it's just the wanting game.

*Taron's POV*
I've hit a dead end with my search for Chloe. I feel like. I've failed her. I've not slept in days but I really don't know what else I can do... The CCTV was a dead-end. It's hard to do this without resources like the police have. My eyes sting from crying so much. Just when all hope was over I received a phone call from an unknown number.
I almost didn't answer... But I'm glad that I did.
The jist of the phone call was that Chloe was safe and recovering. I thought the news was too good to be true. I burst out crying again, but this time with pure relief.
I immediately had to see her. Although I have no idea who made the phone call. No information on which hospital she was at. I quickly rushed to the bathroom, splashed my face with water, grabbed my jacket off the sofa and rushed out the door to the nearest hospital.
No luck.
I ended up going to every fucking hospital I could possibly think or even know about, across 2 days. She was no where to be found. Was that phone call a prank? Was it a lie? Was it Tess?
These were all questions I asked myself before realising there was one place that didn't even cross my mind after the phone call.
Of course! If her safety was a jeopardy... That's the first place she would go. They can keep her safe.
Why did it take me so long to think about. 2 days, it took. Its probably because I'm so tired.
I just need to see her... My heart aches, I just want to know for myself that she's okay.

*A few days later*
I have been to MI5 everyday trying to get them to let me see Chloe... But so far no luck. I think they're sick of me by this point but I just don't care. I need to see her. Just as I was about to open the door to leave, my heart feeling heavy, once again. I heard someone faintly calling my name.
I turned around and my heart dropped.

It's her...

*Narrators POV*
It took Tim's squad a few days before they managed to find the man who called himself 'Connor'. However, no other perpetrators were caught. Conner seemed to be the leader of this organisation, which was great news for Chloe because she was now deemed safe. Therefore, able to go home and recover. Finally.

As she leaves the medbay of MI5 and heads down the lift to the main foyer she has no idea that he will be there... As she hobbles back to the main reception, where she previously collapsed a month ago she sees him and her heart sinks. Taron, her best friend, her rock...

"Taron" She faintly calls out to him.

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