Chapter 20

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*Narrator's POV*
As soon as Taron turned around Chloe could see he looked exhausted... Drained. As soon as they locked eyes across the room, they both smiled and their paces increased until they were running towards each other. (its a damn big reception okay) They soon collided wrapping their arms around each other, holding so tightly for this long overdue hug. Despite her slight wincing and the unbearable pain, Chloe did not want to let go, neither one of them did. After a few moments Chloe broke down in tears... Taron responded by releasing her a little, worried he was hurting her, but she didn't let go. So he kept his embrace on her with a little less grip than before.

*Chloe's POV*
His embrace was so warm and he smelt like home... It was good... Better than good. Perfect. I feel safe in his arms. I didn't care how much pain I was in... I was not going to let go of him anytome soon.
I just couldn't told it in anymore, it's not often that I cry but I just couldn't hold it in anymore... I just started sobbing in his arms. I think he was worried that he was hurting me becuase he released his grip a little. It was cute.
"It was horrible" I sobbed into his shoulder.
"I know... I know... You're safe now" he comforted as he leaned back and kissed my head.
"Let's go home" He suggested as he released his grip even more.
I nodded silently and released from the hug too. We took a very slow walk (I was mainly hobbling) back to Taron's car and he helped me get into the passenger seat.
The journey home was silent... But it was a nice silence. I could see Taron taking quick glances at me every now and then to make sure I was okay.

Once we made it to my apartment... I hesitated. I didn't want to go back in here... Not after what happened. I wouldn't feel safe.
"I had the locks changed for you... Once I knew you were okay" Taron explained softly.
I just gave him a small smile in return. It made my heart feel warm.
He used the new key to open the door and we went inside and he took me straight to my bedroom. No, not like that you dirty bastards, I'm bloody injured.
"I'm gonna stay here with you, for a few weeks, if that's okay... I'll get you whatever you need so you can rest up" Taron said whilst getting me comfortable in my bed.
"Thank you" I replied with tears in my eyes. Wait... What about his girlfriend... Tess? I guess he could go and visit her in an evening... Who knows. I'm too tired and in too much pain to think about this.
"I've really missed you" I added.
"I've missed you too, there wasn't a day I wasn't trying to find you. I couldn't sleep knowing something had happened to you" He told me.
That would explain why he looks so exhausted. But he did that... For me.
"Come and join me in here... You need rest too" I said to him patting the empty part of the bed next to me.
He hopped into bed next to me and we spent the rest of the day watching TV and resting. Not much was said... But I think thats because both of us were too exhausted to make conversation.

*A few days later*
I'm starting to get better. I mean I did spend a good time in the hospital healing, but it's gonna take more than a few weeks to heal a few broken ribs, broken fingers and a hell of a lot of bruises. I'm just lucky I didn't have a severe head injury after being hit over the head with a fucking crowbar. Yeah fucking cheers Connor... Dickhead.
Paige, Cat and even Sophie (who I need to meet up more with) have come to visit me to see how I am doing. There's been no mention or sighting of Tess though... Maybe Taron still feels weird talking about her because I told him I loved him. But that was AGES ago now, so surely he would know I'm over him. Maybe I'll ask him.
"Taron!" I called out to him.
"Yeah" he replied faintly as I heard his footsteps walking towards me.
He popped his head around the corner of my bedroom door and looked at me as if to say 'you called?'
"You know you can invite Tess round here, especially if you're worried about leaving me on my own. If you guys wanted a date night or to hang out, cause I'm not gonna be going anywhere anytime soon so I'll stay out of your way" I suggested.
"Oh... Uhh... Yeah.... Thanks" Taron stuttered going a little bit red.
Hmmmm... That was an odd response.
"Are you okay?" I asked puzzled.
"Yeah. No I'm perfectly fine!" Taron quickly replied.
Nah, he's definitely being sus... I squinted my eyes at him.
"Did something happen?" I asked still squinting my eyes at him.
"Uhhh. No" He replied revealing led and less of his face to me.
"get your ass back in here boi, you have some talking to do" I told him.
"Fine!" He replied coming in the room to sit on the bed.
"She broke it off... Because....because...I wouldn't stop looking for you or trying to find clues to find out what happened to you... So she gave me an ultimatum. That's it's either her or you"He explained.
" So I chose you" He added quietly.
That's kinda mean of her....Wait! He chose me... That makes my tummy feel weird.
"I... I'm not sure what to say to that..." I replied still a bit in shock. I thought they were serious... But he chose me.
I mean it's not great for him but it kinda makes me feel great in a way.

*A week later*
I can now walk around almost back to normal, just slightly a slower pace than usual. It's also kind of lucky actually because Taron's back filming for his next film (he can't really tell me what film it is but it's something) so I'm alone in my apartment today for the first time in a few weeks... Its a little scary but Taron said to call him if I needed anything so that made me feel a little better.
I can't stop thinking about what he said to me though... About Tess. It makes me feel all funny inside. And I think I know what it is... Truth be told I never stopped loving him... I think I just suppressed it to the point I believed I didn't have feeling for him anymore. I just didn't want it to ruin our friendship. But now he's said this the feelings are coming back and I can't help wondering if he feels the same or if he was just worried because I was missing. Its got to be the latter... He's already told be a while ago he doesn't have feelings for me and sees me like a sister. I'm just overthinking because I'm on my own.
I spent most of the day eating absolute junk and playing video games. Man I have seriously missed playing video games... I never really had much time to anymore because of work.. Taron and I used to play them quite a lot but hence my disappearance and shit I've not really played them. My absolute favourite game has got to be Uncharted 4, it's fucking legendary. Gotta love me a bit of Nolan North too (He voiced Nathan Drake).
It was around 6pm when Taron came back home... He let me know it was him with a secret knock before unlocking the door, something to make me feel at ease. Which was adorable.
"hi" I said as soon as he came in the door.
"Hey, how's your day been?" He asked me, coming to join me on the sofa.
"I mean I've spent most of it here playing Uncharted and eating a load of shit.... So pretty good!" I chuckled.
"How about you?" I added exiting the game and carefully turning so I could
face him.
"I'm glad to know you've had a good day, I've had an intense day... It always is with Matthew though" He laughed.
"You're working with Matthew again! Ha ha, you slipped up"I exclaimed.
" That means... Holy shit does that mean there's gonna be a second Kingsman film!?" I half shouted with excitement.
" What the... How the... How could you possibly have guessed that?" He replied dumbfounded.
"holy shit! That's amazing! I'm so excited already!" I replied with pure excitement this time.
"And I don't know... Lucky guess" I shrugged.
"You amaze me every day... " Taron said still in shock as he got up to go to the kitchen to grab a snack.
"What can I say... I am amazing" I chuckled.
"Well I can certainly tell you're feeling better" Taron laughed.
"Uh thanks?" I replied.. Unsure if that was supposed to be an insult or not.
"What did you want for dinner?" Taron asked from the kitchen.
"We should celebrate... The making of a new Kingsman film.. With Fish and chips!" I suggested with a smile hoping Taron would day yes.
"okay fineeee... But only because I can't be bothered to cook" Taron laughed.
"But you cannot tell anyone that you know another kingsman film is being made" he added more seriously.
"I promise I won't say a word" I told him.
"Okay good... I also have something to ask you" Taron started.
That sentence always makes my stomach do flips... What do you want to ask me... What if he asks if I have feelings for him again... He knows when I lie. Just ask me already boy and stop this suspension.
"Would you like to be my date to a film premiere in a few weeks?" He asked softly.
"And before you say anything... I promise that I will not leave you this time because that was a shitty thing to do"He added.
He didn't just ask if I wanted to go with him... He asked me to be his date. What the fuck. What does that mean. Oh man my feelings are fucking having a field day up in here. Jeez Louise they need to calm the fuck down.
"I would love to, as long as you stick to your promise" I replied smiling.
"I will... I'll be all yours" He said back.

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